First Long Cook on the Camp Chef


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Had a nine pound pork shoulder I was saving for a nice day to smoke it. Now that I have the pellet smoker I decided yesterday was a nice enough day.

Been a long time especially in the winter that I’ve done an L&S cook.

First of all I got started late it was 11 am when I put it on.

Dialed the grill up at 225. Used Camp Chef Competition Blend pellets.

The grill ran a steady 220 -230.

At the eight hour mark I foiled it and bumped up the temperature to 250 it settled in at about 255-260. An hour later it probed at 197 and I pulled it.

Came out really good, nice smoke flavor and very moist.

I monitored the cook with two mavericks one for the beef roast and the other for the pork and grate temperature.

I only came out a couple of times to check the pellet level.

I’m very pleased with the results the Camp Chef performed perfectly. Cleanup was about 20 minutes this morning.

Things I would change:

Run a little higher temp to set the bark better.

Start a lot earlier although it was a snap decision to do it yesterday I had planned on doing it today.
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Looks like the bone pulled out with ease.

Those foodsaver bags filled with pp look familiar, I've been there, done that.
Rich, BBQ looks fine. Glad to see that you aren't having as much trouble with your new Camp Chef as the new Webers are.
I have a Camp Chef flat top 4 burner. Huge old thing. Every now & then we do a flat top cook. Camp Chef also makes a nice little portable Flat top with a gas grill side by side for camping. Really a nice mobil unit. I don't have one & was on their site the other day. All sold out.
When I was in Lowes the other day down in Farmington I looked to see if there were any Weber pellet grills there wasn't but there were several other brands there. One that really caught my eye that I looked at, was much heavier built was a Pit Boss unit. It looked like a fine Pellet grill.
Hope that yours stays on track for you. Keep on Q'n.
Great looking cook Rich!
Looks like you picked a winner with your choice of a pellet grill/smoker.
So sad about the Weber SF. At one point I was considering getting one, glad I didn't.
If I do eventually get a pellet grill, it will be either a Pit Boss, or Camp Chef.
Rich, I'll be in your neck of the woods in about 2 weeks. I'll send you the address where you can drop off one of those pork packs. ;)
Great looking cook Rich!
Looks like you picked a winner with your choice of a pellet grill/smoker.
So sad about the Weber SF. At one point I was considering getting one, glad I didn't.
If I do eventually get a pellet grill, it will be either a Pit Boss, or Camp Chef.

Bob, I am very happy with the results of the six cooks I've done and with the performance of the CC. If you go down the pellet road either one of the Camp Chefs or Pit Boss would be a great choice. Although the model I have can be used to grill my one and only experience using it as such was fine, but going forward the CC will only be used for smoking. The performer and my gasser will be the grill masters.
Congratulations on a good Winter cook. It's interesting that you had good smoke flavor. That has been cited as a weakness of pellet grills but I'm thinking the latest generation of controllers has solved that problem. Mine gives great smoke flavor. Camp Chef makes a good product.
Thanks everyone for the nice comments. So far I couldn't be happier with the Camp Chef it has made CITCWWW (Cooking in the crappy windy winter weather) much easier and still getting decent smoke flavor, not quite as much as the WSM but perfect for Barb and I.
Still I feel very badly for our fellow forum friends for the horrible experiences that those that choose to give the new Weber's a try. I would have been in that group if Barb and I hadn't agreed that the purchase of another grill had to be revenue neutral by selling some of our 10 Weber's. Hence the Camp Chef at about half the price.
So far so good. When I asked Barb what she thought of the CC, she said " I love MY new grill" Happy wife happy life.;)
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How'd you get room for the pellet smoker? Nice looking cook.
Sorry I missed this Clint. I used my garage strategy... Put 10 pounds in an 8 pound bag. Hopefully in the next month when it warms up I can sell a couple of gassers and get some breathing space. Right now I have 12 Qs in our little back yard. Even the dogs are starting to give me the stink eye when they go out there.

