russ olin
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    • russ olin
      russ olin replied to the thread RIP: Rich Dahl.
      WOW! Stunning news. So sorry to hear this. Condolences to the Dahl family from the Olin family.
    • russ olin
      Only problem Jim, none of these guys on this site know how to use a Weber charcoal grill anymore. It has to be pellets with electronics...
    • russ olin
      russ olin replied to the thread Sorry.
      Actually I could care less about pellet grills as I said. Went fishing caught a couple suckers. Having fish on my PK tonight. It's gonna...
    • russ olin
      russ olin replied to the thread Sorry.
      Rich Dahl & LMichaels, you made my Sunday. I had nothing to do so I thought that I would pull a little chain & see who took the bait. As...
    • russ olin
      russ olin replied to the thread Sorry.
      As far as pellet grills, is that considered grilling & BBQing at all? Skill level to operate one- zero. They are just convection ovens...
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