Happy TVWB 24th Anniversary


Chris Allingham

Staff member
June 12, 2022 marks the 24th anniversary of The Virtual Weber Bullet website! Hard to believe I've been plugging away at articles and videos for such a long time.

If you want to see how the website looked back in its infancy, check-out The History of The Virtual Weber Bullet.

And don't forget to sign-up for a chance to win a Weber limited-edition 70th anniversary kettle in the TVWB 24th Anniversary Prize Drawing.

No anniversary cake this year, but please enjoy a slice of this one from 2018!

You have something special with this place. Great people, lots of veteran advice and it’s fun to see the new members blossom over the years.
Thanks for all you do.
Congrats, Chris! Since 25 years is a silver anniversary, maybe you could commission a full-size, 18" silver WSM for next year? 🤣🤣

I've been hanging out here for almost 20 years, continuously learning from (and along with) the great collection of folks who have moseyed in here. I wouldn't be half the BBQ cook I am without this place (thank goodness none of my pre-TVWBB rib cooks are memorialized with photos!!) :)

Thank you, Chris, for all you have done to keep this place going! I always point people here (VWB and VWBB) when they want to learn, whether they own a WSM or not. The information you have amassed in your articles/videos, combined with the collective wisdom on the forums is unsurpassed.

Here's to another 24 years!! :)

Chris - Thanks for all you do to keep this site what it is. TVWBB remains my favorite site to come to for tips and techniques and I find it to be the most informative, easiest to navigate, and friendliest grilling/smoking site out there. I don't post nearly as much as I used to (thanks for still letting me take part in the give-aways :LOL:), but I do visit nearly every day (multiple times and sometimes on company time :whistle:) to see what everyone's cooking and to get inspiration. Thanks for all you do and for everyone that contributes here.
June 12, 2022 marks the 24th anniversary of The Virtual Weber Bullet website! Hard to believe I've been plugging away at articles and videos for such a long time.

If you want to see how the website looked back in its infancy, check-out The History of The Virtual Weber Bullet.

And don't forget to sign-up for a chance to win a Weber limited-edition 70th anniversary kettle in the TVWB 24th Anniversary Prize Drawing.

No anniversary cake this year, but please enjoy a slice of this one from 2018!

Cheer Chris! Hoping for 24 more!
Yep, thanks Chris. I really appreciate this site and how it is run. This is easily the least contentious and pleasant forum I have ever been a member on. The people are great as well and all that makes this just one great forum. Glad I stumbled across it 5 or 6 years ago.
I'm a little late to the party. But I would like to say that Barb and I have enjoyed all the comradery and sharing of knowledge that this forum has provide us. The fact that you keep it 'G' rated makes it so much better than a lot of other forums I used to follow.
Both of us truly appreciate the time and effort you put into this forum
Thank You

