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      Todd NC reacted to LMichaels's post in the thread Crispy Pork belly with Like Like.
      Sorry evidence was "consumed" :D Anyway works great and I am sure it will work on that technique on any pellet grill or smoker. I was...
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      Todd NC replied to the thread Crispy Pork belly.
      Would like to see a picture of the finished belly. I have a quartered whole belly in the freezer and I’m wanting to do something similar.
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      Todd NC replied to the thread Moose Burgers.
      I've seen bison and elk, but never ground moose. I can't guess what it would taste like, but your burgers look good.
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      Todd NC replied to the thread One grill Two slabs three burner.
      I did similar with 3 racks on an old Genesis with the East-West burners, but a long time ago. I lit the front and back burners and...
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      Todd NC replied to the thread Tuesday Brisket.
      That looks excellent.
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      Todd NC replied to the thread Found something I've never tried.
      I did a picanha not too long ago, and you're method will work fine. I haven't done one whole yet, but I've done one on skewers as Tim...
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      Todd NC reacted to EricV.'s post in the thread Tuesday Tri-Tip with Like Like.
      Yes, but I control the temperature by raising or lowering the grate as well as the amount of wood I feed the kettle.
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      Todd NC replied to the thread Tuesday Tri-Tip.
      Nicely done. Did you cook it entirely over direct heat?
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      Todd NC reacted to timothy's post in the thread Steak and potatoes with Like Like.
      A quick birthday cook for me (46) Ribeyes came out fantastic. Two of my boys came over and cooked on Monday. We did have a salad .
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      Todd NC replied to the thread Dad's Day Spread.
      It's a great cut, and simply salting it is all that's needed in my opinion.
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      Todd NC replied to the thread Dad's Day Spread.
      Thanks, Richard. I usually forget to take any pictures, but I'll work on that.
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      Todd NC replied to the thread Dad's Day Spread.
      Thanks, Dan. This has become one of my favorite cuts and this was the first time I cut it into steaks.
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      Todd NC replied to the thread Dad's Day Spread.
      Sure. I started with a fresh link of kielbasa sausage and some thick-cut bacon. I cut the bacon slices in half cross-ways, and sliced...
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      Todd NC reacted to Tim Campbell's post in the thread Dad's Day Spread with Like Like.
      Todd, that rocks. Picanha is my favorite steak. Awesome job.
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      Todd NC reacted to BFletcher's post in the thread Dad's Day Spread with Like Like.
      Beautiful work.
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