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    • Bruce
      Bruce replied to the thread Curb Alert !!!.
      :unsure: Well, that is not the case around here and I live pretty rural. If a Silver B gets posted "curb alert", it won't last the day.
    • Bruce
      Bruce replied to the thread Curb Alert !!!.
      My guess is that it was picked up 13 days ago and they just never took down the add. :rolleyes:
    • Bruce
      Some great stuff there. So, what happened to the SS frame?
    • Bruce
      Bruce replied to the thread Curb Alert !!!.
      Yah, unless you are real close and see the posting right away, your chances go way down with every minute.
    • Bruce
      Bruce replied to the thread Curb Alert !!!.
      I would have been on that long ago. It even looks like it has SS Solid rod grates.
    • Bruce
      Bruce replied to the thread I will just leave this here.
      Dang, that is an enticing price. With todays inflated prices, that is a dozen eggs, 10 gallons of gas and three Butterfinger Candy bars.
    • Bruce
      Bruce replied to the thread Curb Alert !!!.
      Good eye Josh.
    • Bruce
      Bruce reacted to LMichaels's post in the thread I will just leave this here with Like Like.
      IDK, no rust on my pellet cooker(s). The MM lived quite a lot outside as well
    • Bruce
      Bruce replied to the thread Curb Alert !!!.
      The flame throwers in the back corners might be part of it.
    • Bruce
      Bruce replied to the thread Curb Alert !!!.
      Jon, almost makes me to want to make the two hour drive.
    • Bruce
      Bruce replied to the thread Grill cover Silver B.
      Oh, OK, yah just like everything with a Weber logo on it, they are expensive. I thought maybe you were saying those aftermarket covers...
    • Bruce
      Bruce replied to the thread Grill cover Silver B.
      $100 Really, is that what they want for them?
    • Bruce
      Bruce replied to the thread Curb Alert !!!.
      That is crazy. I can't imagine they are trying for Chicken Jerky.
    • Bruce
      Bruce replied to the thread I will just leave this here.
      I am not even interested in a coal burner, but it does look nice. I guess I would be most concerned with how long it would take for the...
    • Bruce
      Bruce replied to the thread Grill cover Silver B.
      Look a lot like 100 gallon trash bags to me.
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