The Humor Thread

Subwoofers is what I call my two dachshunds!
Although, truth be told, one is a woofer and the other is an arfer!
lots of GREAT stuff on youtube, not so much on twitface

Yep. I can't tell you the number of times I've thought "I wonder how difficult it would be to..." and found the answer on YT, then eventually did it myself. I'm not on Twitter, and FB least a way to stay in touch with some people.
Yep. I can't tell you the number of times I've thought "I wonder how difficult it would be to..." and found the answer on YT, then eventually did it myself. I'm not on Twitter, and FB least a way to stay in touch with some people.
not only help videos but also full length movies, television programs from years ago, all kinds of stuff.
I tune into youtube on our 60" television... it's SOO C:cool::cool:L!!
That is almost funnier than my original post. You're killin me here!
Funny thing is I actually enjoy seeing them around. We have also bald eagles in the area and a variety of other raptors (redtail hawks, Coopers Hawks, Falcons and so on). Some of the folks who live around here thinking it's they're inalienable right to leave their PIA pets outside to bark all day, or crap in other people's yards have hissy fits when they see a big bird of prey or a coyote. Geez, take care of your pets and they won't get eaten!

