Saw this fella on walk in the woods by my house last fall. There was another one behind me. I walked away slowly & they began to bark/yip. I read that is their warning that they are present.We have coyotes all over the place here. We see them in the day time and night time. I get up about 6am and go out to get the paper and more often than not will see a couple of coyotes walking down the middle of the street.
Whitney our rescue dog is a golden retriever / husky / coyote mix that was running wild on the Navajo Indian reservation in New Mexico before she was caught and brought back to Arizona for adoption. She has the traits of all three, friendliness of the golden, the digging abilities of the husky and the hunting skills of the coyote. At the end of our street it's all open land for miles we go out there and I take her off the leash and she goes into her hunting mode. Nothing is safe from lizards to moles to rabbits if she catches a lizard the retriever in her kicks in and she will bring it back to me, it's hilarious with the lizard tail sticking out of her mouth wiggling back and forth, drops it by my feet and waits for her "good dog" then goes to find another one. Never hurts them they just wonder off again.
If we see coyotes out there she will hang out with me and watch them until their out of site, then back to her hunting mode. Really fun to watch.
I wonder if his name's Grover Dill, Jr.
My first job was in a restaurant and one of the bartenders had a '73 Hurst/Olds...