Angie H.
you jokin' Chucko?? Angie Looks Like Miss BBQ in Person!
Ang, pay no nevermind to Ol'Chucko over there... see, he's a Giant's fan...
hahaha, thx Jim! btw I like the Miss BBQ moniker!
you jokin' Chucko?? Angie Looks Like Miss BBQ in Person!
Ang, pay no nevermind to Ol'Chucko over there... see, he's a Giant's fan...
But I was appealing to your comic con sidehahaha, thx Jim! btw I like the Miss BBQ moniker!
But I was appealing to your comic con side
Stinkin' cheeseheads...always wrecking my game
This is Pammi and myself at an autism fund raiser called Ales4Autism held at a local brewery last weekend. Very nice beer!