Coronavirus - Covid 19

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Knew it was coming, but the timing is absolutely awful.

Knowing it's coming doesn't make it easier. If my employer decides to cut me loose (I do not work cheap,) I'm fairly sure that my client will scream bloody murder (I keep pulling rabbits out of the hat.) I hope this works out for you.

Chris, et al, the only things that I'm fairly sure of is that more than one fatality from Covid-19 will be recorded, and that less than several billion will be recorded. Comparing the fatality levels of one type to another does lead to a lot of finger pointing and recriminations, and a lot of bad feelings. Can we, as a species, do better? Undoubtedly. Can I? Almost certainly. Am I, or *CAN* I, hold somebody else to my standards? For things like this, that's a very very slippery slope. And just for the record, no, I do *NOT* (EDIT!!!!) want to succumb to this.
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I've seen a few stores have the plexiglass sneeze guards installed between the cashier and customer. I was at Ace this am and the door was locked,
monitored by an employee as they only let 6 customers in at a time.
I was cool with that and waited my turn. You have to love the Helpful Hardware Folks!

Same thing @ Restaurant depot today (employee manning the door, letting one in as one came out, wiping down the carts while we waited). Sneeze guards at the grocer last time I went there but I didn't get a good look - i opted for self checkout which seemed normal.

@ restaurant depot today, there was a guy with a gun on his hip but no mask or gloves.
A couple things I have observed. Here in IL at least the powers that be seem to be taking great pride in how hard on the populace they can be. Closing down rec paths, bike paths, golf courses, etc. and then telling you that you're allowed outside once a day for a brief exercise period but ONLY around your own neighborhood. Well sadly not everyone has a neighborhood that is safe to be out "recreating" in.
We hear also how many deaths. And again we never hear what the actual circumstances are of those deaths. I.E. patient dies. Has a grabber let's say, and drops dead. They find him/her positive for Covid. What killed them? Covid or the grabber? Terminal cancer patient dies. They were in the final throws of the disease in Hospice, but also a couple days before tested positive, I could go on but the issue that really bothers me is we don't hear about the ACTUAL circumstances of the deaths. There was a noted Dr on WGN radio Thursday. Head of medicine for Northwestern Medical. He actually said for anyone under 60 the flu is far more serious than this thing. He actually said if he had a choice of which disease to get at his age he'd rather have Covid. (please don't read between the lines here as I am a WELL over 60 individual who is REALLY in the at risk group diabetes, stage 3 kidney failure, high blood pressure, stroke survivor and so on) and I still think there is something VERY fishy with how this thing is being handled and reported to us. Call me a cynic but...................................
Also now they're trying to tell people to wear masks, but yet just TRY to get your hands on an actually effective one. Yet I don't see the powers that be doing anything for us to get our hands on them. Instead they tell you to "make your own from handkerchief". This will surely result in even worse infection rates. Anyone else smell something rotten here?
The last time I was in the hardware store they didn't have a 40# bag of Royal Oak Pro so I had to settle for a red bag twin pack, but it should last me for awhile. I suppose I could call them and have them set a bag out for me when they get some more...
Perhaps my reading comprehension isn't the best this morning, but it sounds like some members are suggesting maybe it would have been better to just let the virus run its course to save the economy.
If that's truly the case, that type of thinking scares the hell out of me.
There are no cases in my circle of influence either, but unless some kind of miracle comes along I'm sure there will be.
40+ lbs KBB and 4 20 lb propane tanks, I'll survive if the meat supply does. The hard part so far is the meat, I can get it from the butcher but it's sight unseen. They deliver it to the car wrapped in butchers paper. Trying to stay out of all stores, being what they term a senior with immune system issues.
Severe cabin fever setting in. March is the usual season for it in Alaska. The days are longer and the temps are warmer but you're still up to your hips in snow and ice. This is when the weird starts to come out.

If I watch one more rerun of BBQ Pitmasters ....
From various sales last year I at one time has 27 bags of charcoal. Plus a 2 1/2 20 pound tanks of propane. I'm down to 17 bags and one tank. But it will likely last a while since the rest of the household is getting tired of things BBQed. And I can't have gatherings as an alternative reason to grill. So I guess it's not an emergency YET. :unsure:
I have a tank and a half of propane, but my Genesis needs work/parts. With the current job situation, I'm holding off non-essential purchases.
I have 4 empty tanks I've been meaning to fill up. I checked earlier today - the propane store I like best is closed until Monday
I had to review my posts in this thread because I'd be mortified if I mistakenly hinted that I'm more concerned for our economy than a humanitarian crisis. So let me clarify one of my posts: when I wrote this [pasted below] I was responding to a suggestion that the media was selling a "product" and giving a sales pitch. I was only insinuating that if it were true that the media was lying or exaggerating about the severity of COVID-19 then they would collapse our economy with no valid basis.

Annotation 2020-04-04 142713.png
I had to review my posts in this thread because I'd be mortified if I mistakenly hinted that I'm more concerned for our economy than a humanitarian crisis. So let me clarify one of my posts: when I wrote this [pasted below] I was responding to a suggestion that the media was selling a "product" and giving a sales pitch. I was only insinuating that if it were true that the media was lying or exaggerating about the severity of COVID-19 then they would collapse our economy with no valid basis.

View attachment 2136

That's exactly the way I read it. ;)
I see Wally World is implementing one way isles.
Great idea. My lady went shopping last nite and noticed a difference in how the store looked, and how everyone treated each other. Courteous, very friendly, while keeping a 6' distance.


Going back to this, if you think about it, most if not all stores have 6' wide aisles between the shelves. I know this because I used to supervise fixture crews. They can put all the blue or red lines or X's spaced perfectly 6' apart on entrance or at checkout, but all stores need to implement one way isles.
I was at Ace again looking for plumbing parts, I started walking down a narrow aisle ( less than 6' ) and a guy started coming from the other way.
I stopped turned around, found an empty aisle, and did a detour.
This stuff is really starting to mess with my mind, and I don't know if that's good or bad:unsure:

A couple things I have observed. Here in IL at least the powers that be seem to be taking great pride in how hard on the populace they can be. Closing down rec paths, bike paths, golf courses, etc. and then telling you that you're allowed outside once a day for a brief exercise period but ONLY around your own neighborhood. Well sadly not everyone has a neighborhood that is safe to be out "recreating" in.
You've been sniffing too much brake cleaner if you think public officials are closing popular gathering places where Covid-19 can spread just to give you a hard time. Your point is well taken that not everyone lives in a place where recreating outside is safe, but those are the breaks during this unprecedented situation.
We hear also how many deaths. And again we never hear what the actual circumstances are of those deaths. I.E. patient dies. Has a grabber let's say, and drops dead. They find him/her positive for Covid. What killed them? Covid or the grabber? Terminal cancer patient dies. They were in the final throws of the disease in Hospice, but also a couple days before tested positive, I could go on but the issue that really bothers me is we don't hear about the ACTUAL circumstances of the deaths. There was a noted Dr on WGN radio Thursday. Head of medicine for Northwestern Medical. He actually said for anyone under 60 the flu is far more serious than this thing. He actually said if he had a choice of which disease to get at his age he'd rather have Covid. (please don't read between the lines here as I am a WELL over 60 individual who is REALLY in the at risk group diabetes, stage 3 kidney failure, high blood pressure, stroke survivor and so on) and I still think there is something VERY fishy with how this thing is being handled and reported to us. Call me a cynic but...................................
You're a cynic.

Not sure if you noticed, but the medical community is a little busy right now trying to save lives; the paperwork will come later.

There's an article on the BBC website about how different countries track these deaths:
Italy, Germany, and Hong Kong count any death of a patient who has Covid-19 as a death caused by Covid-19. In the US, doctors have more discretion: they are asked to record whether the patient died “as a result of this illness” when reporting Covid-19 deaths to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It could be easy to see how a physician might believe that a Covid-19 patient who died of, say, a heart attack or brain aneurysm didn’t die as a result of Covid-19, and so wouldn’t report accordingly.

Importantly, though, while this might make a difference when the data is analysed months or years from now, this doesn’t translate into any difference in the death statistics at the moment. At present in the US, any death of a Covid-19 patient, no matter what the physician believes to be the direct cause, is counted for public reporting as a Covid-19 death.

“I expect that the final death certificate will have Covid along with pre-existing conditions, should there be any,” says Cécile Viboud, an epidemiologist at the Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health. “But at this point, any Covid-positive case who dies will be tallied in the US death count.”
Also now they're trying to tell people to wear masks, but yet just TRY to get your hands on an actually effective one. Yet I don't see the powers that be doing anything for us to get our hands on them. Instead they tell you to "make your own from handkerchief". This will surely result in even worse infection rates. Anyone else smell something rotten here?
Again, not sure if you noticed, but the powers that be have been a little preoccupied trying to get N95 masks for people who need them the most--medical workers. Only when there's no longer a shortage should you or I be able to get our hands on N95 masks.

Our leaders are now aligning with the recommendations from Chinese and Czech Republic health officials that everyone should wear a basic mask when in public. Since even those are hard to find, all we can do is the best we can do. The homemade masks being recommended are to keep your spit from infecting others, not to prevent you from breathing in the virus. So stay home and only go out when absolutely necessary and for as little time as possible.
Whew! Some of these conversations are not much fun. Perhaps we should all step back and understand we are in uncharted territory and none of us has THE answer. Both sides are passionate.

Earlier Chris shut a conversation I started. He was right. If so many have to huff and puff, I suggest an end to this too. I say that because this place should be a refuge from the media and political onslaught.
We should all be focusing on the immediate health issues now, the other stuff will be sorted out later.
Good or bad we have to make the right choice.

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