Knew it was coming, but the timing is absolutely awful.
Knowing it's coming doesn't make it easier. If my employer decides to cut me loose (I do not work cheap,) I'm fairly sure that my client will scream bloody murder (I keep pulling rabbits out of the hat.) I hope this works out for you.
Chris, et al, the only things that I'm fairly sure of is that more than one fatality from Covid-19 will be recorded, and that less than several billion will be recorded. Comparing the fatality levels of one type to another does lead to a lot of finger pointing and recriminations, and a lot of bad feelings. Can we, as a species, do better? Undoubtedly. Can I? Almost certainly. Am I, or *CAN* I, hold somebody else to my standards? For things like this, that's a very very slippery slope. And just for the record, no, I do *NOT* (EDIT!!!!) want to succumb to this.
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