Coronavirus - Covid 19

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Yeah seems to be the case here on this forum as well. Is this serious? Yes never denied that. Am I a bit "cynical" with how it's being handled and reported? Yeah you bet! Doesn't mean I don't respect and take precautions! I have legitimate issues with how this is being handled and how it's reported. Doesn't make me a bad guy or stupid or that my brain is damaged.
I can’t hit the like button enough for this post!!! Interesting how if you don’t seem to agree with the majority in this forum, your considered a “covoidiot”....
I am thinking seriously about ending Covid-19 discussion on the forum. It feels like the discussion is consuming too much of the forum and too much space in my head. I'm losing sleep over this thread. I think about it all the time. Some of the discussion seems to divide rather than unite...perhaps I've played a part in that. I'm worried about whether information posted is factual. I feel like I'm losing patience with some members and I don't like that. Sounds like some members are feeling the same way. Most of all, I keep reminding myself that we're a barbecuing and grilling forum, a Weber grills forum, not a Covid-19 information clearinghouse.

So...I want your input. I've posted a poll on whether we should discontinue Coronavirus - Covid-19 discussion on the forum. Please take a moment to register your opinion. Thanks in advance for your participation.
I vote keep it open as although some of the facts posted might be sketchy at best I like to see how everyone across the States is handling this Pandemic.
Massachusetts was one of the first for the stay at Home order and I like to read other members views and how they're handling their day-to-day lives during this, it takes the pressure off knowing there are others out there going through the same things.

Hopefully in a couple months when can look back at this thread as a "remember when that happened?"

How about this...
We can post the Positive things that are happening in our lives?

I'll start.
With my three children all at Home including my Daughter from College and we are spending more time as a Family together than ever including Family meals, movie time, and going for weekly hikes deep in the woods away from people.

My Home has never been cleaner as my Wife is out of work and going to town cleaning from top to bottom.

How 'bout you guys?

Trying to be as safe as a family as we can be. But, only so much one can do realistically. Especially when our daughter is one of those "so called essential" workers. She works in retail at Office Max. Apparently Office stores are considered (as are the employees) essential because they support small businesses. Go figure.................might need an emergency ream of paper or some pens. The other day she said an older man (by older I assume she meant like me) was in the store wearing a mask and gloves. She said they watched him walk over to a merchandise aisle (knowing her store and work station) it would have been where the pens, pencils and such are. He proceeded to pull his mask down than cough all over all the merchandise. How to you combat that?
I asked her if they did and she said the manager would not let them. Go figure. Don't want to pi$$ off a customer.
I asked her if they did and she said the manager would not let them. Go figure. Don't want to pi$$ off a customer.

if it's an accident, what are you going to do. But this person was arrested after purposely coughing on produce:

Recoveries are outpacing active cases according to some news reports in the area.


Very interesting article I found last night about ventilators...

if it's an accident, what are you going to do. But this person was arrested after purposely coughing on produce:

It was no accident. She watched him, purposely pull the mask down, turn and face the merchandise and purposely cough all over everything in the aisle and he walked down the aisle doing it to be sure to get everything
It was no accident. She watched him, purposely pull the mask down, turn and face the merchandise and purposely cough all over everything in the aisle and he walked down the aisle doing it to be sure to get everything

Stuff like that... Just... Makes me boil over...
I'm done.
Me as well Tim. While I am a bit cynical about how all this is being reported and handled I am by no means promoting carelessness or just plain vindictiveness. Which is what I think he was doing.
Looks like food stocks are making a comeback around here, and I even saw some paper products on the shelf (except for Sam's Club). Stores are not too crowded either, so that is a plus.

After much thought, I think government officials need to adopt a middle-of-the-road approach concerning business shutdowns instead of the extreme approach of keeping residents locked up (with some big city exceptions). It just doesn't make any sense to keep the average Joe from going about his daily routines in less populated areas. But of course, safety precautions need to be used like wearing masks, etc. where needed.
This web site might be helpful for some...

Wonder if one is available for paper towels?
Yeah until now I have not had trouble finding shop towels but now some goof ball came up with the hair brained idea that shop towels and furnace air filters can become a substitute for N95 masks. So I am sure it will be 6 months before you can find another box of shop towels or furnace filters
My worker called in sick today - body aches, nausea, diarrhea. He said he went & got tested & they told him to isolate for 4-6 days until the test results. No fever. I think he's been watching/listening to too many youtube videos. I'm personally not too scared, probably should be but ?

I ordered 5 cloth masks, a dozen bandanas, and a 50 pack of disposables from China. I guess that's a thing now - wearing masks & gloves.

Restaurant Depot has a nice selection of gloves, I got some black nitrile & then some latex ones too. ~$5-7 per box of 100
Cloth masks = waste of time. Actually can be worse than nothing.
The other day I was talking to someone, we were standing about 6' apart. "Whoa! I just spit at you" ...a small amount of spittle had flown out of my mouth and almost made it to his shoe. I probably wouldn't have noticed it if the sun wasn't just right. I wish the guy who was coughing into his elbow and then into his shirt collar was wearing a mask while in the produce department. The cloth masks are for everyone else, not just the person who's wearing them.
I'm wearing a mask on service calls. The point is reducing the spread to other folks. They won't necessarily do much for you compared to an N95 but it's something. If everyone wore them it would definitely help reduce the spread to everyone. One thing for me is that it helps me remember not to touch my face.
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