Super Low and Super Slow = Brisket Flat Success


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
This was Sunday’s dinner.
Did my first Brisket cook ever, a smaller flat at about 4.5 pounds.
I read and looked at all the threads I could find and articles on the forum and even checked out some articles on the web.
Thanks to all that responded to my thread asking for some guidance.
Well we all know there is no one way to grill or smoke anything.
So I took what I thought from reading about success and failures what would work for my first cook.

Rubbed with SPOG the night before.
Set up the 18.5 with a tin can minion with KBB, almond and maple for a light smoke. I kept it simple as I wanted the flavor of the beef to come through.
Started at 5am brisket on at 5:30.
Set the temp at 210 -215 for a super low smoke.
Stall hit at 9am at 149 out of the stall at 10:30 still running 215.
11:20am hit 160 and foiled.
Stalled again at 196 for an hour, bumped the temp up to 225.
At 199 started probing with the thermo pop.
2:30 pm at 201 it probed like it was going into jello, pulled it and let it rest for 20 minutes unwrapped then wrapped in foil and a beach towel and into the cooler for two hours.

Served with Cliffs great root beer beans, thanks again Cliff, love them.
Barb grilled up some corn on the bone.

Now I’ve had brisket many times, but never made my own. This cook was a roaring success, the meat was moist, super tender and great flavor from one end to the other.

If it wasn’t for this forum and all the knowledge that is so readily shared it never would have happened.

Made some #5 sauce for the brisket.


WSM loaded and ready to go.

Brisket with SPOG only

Smoke was almond and maple



It's done...I hope.



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Looks outstanding Rich. Admire the research you did and so glad you were satisfied with your effort. Glad too that you liked the beans. Perfect side for brisket!
Fantastic looking brisket, Rich! I can almost taste it...

Great job. All your research realy paid off. This forum is truly a great resource for barbecue in general, and the very best for Weber and WSM.
Looks fantastic Rich. I saw brisket flats at Costco and want to do one very soon, it will be my first so I will be referring back to this when I do mine. How many lit briquettes did you use on top of the unlit?
I'm jealous. All of the flats I've cooked came out "not good". Yours looks great.
Maybe I should try your method?
That looks like prize winning brisket. I have a Costco flat I recently picked up and just hope it turns out as well as yours!

Great job, all 'round!

Keep on smokin',
Great looking brisket Rich. I also will have to try a Costco flat. Always prefered the reults with packers. Will try this soon. And those beans looked great.
Top looking brisket there Rich. And thanks for the numbers, I really like these detailed cook posts. :cool:
Rich, thanks for the post. It was extremely helpful to know how to deal adjust the temp and cook time for flats only. I'm smoking my first brisket today, in fact I'm just waiting for temps to stabilize I'll they're going on. Wish me luck!
Rich, way to nail it on your first brisket cook. You did a mighty fine job on it! I find its easier to fix brisket than most people say it is. At least for me anyway.
Just takes lots of time & patience. But like you found out the rewards are much justified.
Have a happy 4th to our neighbors to the southwest.

