Smoked Tri Tip Chili on a Cold Rainy Day


Cliff Bartlett

R.I.P. 5/17/2021
I've been planning this cook for a couple of weeks now. Smoked Tri Tip Chili. This turned out to be a two day cook. Smoked the Tri Tips on Tuesday and cooked the Chili on Wednesday. Here's the pic's.

The first day I fired up my 22 WSM and brought it up to 225. Smoked two beautiful Tri Tips, about 2 1/2 lbs. each. Pulled them at 135 IT. Pecan wood for smoke.

Rubbed the meat with Cattleman's Grill Steakhouse seasoning.

On Smoker.

Pulled in just under one hour. Resting.

Sliced, then cubed the meat and put in fridge overnight.

I seem to pick the stormy days to cook. Put my smoker and grill on our back deck, away from the wind and rain. While letting smoker get up to temp, 400 degrees, I got the ingredients ready to mix. The chopped items are a couple of onions, couple of Poblano peppers and chopped garlic (lots).

Used my JJ to sweat onions and poblanos until onions were translucent.

Added the San Marzano tomatoes and the garlic. Let cook for a couple of minutes.

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Added the seasoning.

Mixed well.

The meat.

The beans.

Mixed well.

WSM up to 400. Held this temp for the entire cook.

Added a quart of beef stock.

After adding the beef stock, I covered the Dutch Oven (using my Lodge 7 qt. for this cook) and moved it over to my WSM and let it go around 3 hours. Took a peek or two during this time but that was it.

Made a loaf of bread to go with the chili. Sliced it up. This was Pain De Compagne.

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Ready for dinner!

Topped it off with some Smoked Cheddar and Oyster Crackers.

Man, was this ever good. It was quit a lot of work but worth the effort. We have enough left for about three more meals. Well, the weekend is just about here. We have one more storm on Sunday and then a break in our weather. Hope you all have a fun, safe weekend. Thanks for looking.
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Personally I wouldn't have bothered plating that up.
Just stick the DO in the middle of the table & use that gorgeous bread as a spoon!!
Perfect grub for the weather. Nice.
Nice looking cook Cliff. That TT came out perfect. If it was me the chili would have probably ended up vegetarian and my belly would have been full of TT.
Great looking chili Cliff. We're just getting the storms you had here and it's nasty. Funny I'm making chili for the games on Sunday, whether I do it inside or out will depend on the weather.

If it's like this tomorrow you'll find me inside, 20-25 mph winds with snow and 25*
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Cliff how was the cattleman's seasoning?

James... Really enjoyed this rub. A nice combo of garlic, smoked paprika, Ancho pepper, onion, parsley and some other stuff. Bought 3 of their rubs and this is the first I've tried.

That's some damn good looking chili, Cliff. Even if it has beans in it.

Here's another chili I make Robert. Made with burger and some high octane heat and...... no beans.


