Silver C Project

I am also thinking about ways to salvage letter pieces from really far gone wheels to patch ones that just need a letter or two redone.
Someone with a laser cutter should make a template and blast out new whitewalls from plastic sheet stock. (Sorry, I don't have one.)
Wow, I will say! I guess what you are doing is taking the white wall off and painting it white while painting the wheel itself black. Is that right? Otherwise you must have some incredible plastic treatment. I never really thought about using paint. That is an effective and practical approach. I am also thinking about ways to salvage letter pieces from really far gone wheels to patch ones that just need a letter or two redone.

That is correct they are painted. I use a bolt head to push the tabs on the whitewall as far as it will go then take a nail punch to get them the rest of the way out. You don't want to pull them from the front of the wheel the letters as everyone knows are delicate. The whitewalls have a gritted paint sanded it with 220 then 400 used my fingers from behind to support the white wall especially cautious around the letters you will not get all the gritted paint off if you look close you can see marks but no matter unless unless you lie down on the ground beside the grill you will never notice. I did soak the whitewalls in bleach/water over night.

On the 1000 I had painted the wheels black but the whitewalls bleached out okay did not use a toothbrush on these as it knocked a letter off on the 1000 so I stuck that on the back.

These have been drying for 10 days so will shoot them with a few coats of satin clear they should be good to go for the life of the grill I hope.

I has used some Krylon Satin Black fusion for the wheels I had it laying around but the Rusto Painters satin should work just as well.

Edit: I am getting old might have used some Krylon semi gloss white for the whitewalls need to dig thru my paint cans to many projects at once.
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Brian, I like your ideas for refurbing the wheels, it's always been a problem for me. Didn't even realize that you could pop the whitewall off.
Yah, those whitewalls always wind up with significant deterioration from the weather. On my rehab grills, I have simply scrubbed them with bleach and that always whitens them up but doesn't get rid of the roughness caused by the weathering and it doesn't help when parts of the lettering starts breaking out. I may try painting the wheels in the future, but for a rehab and flip grill, I just don't know that it makes all that much difference. The wheels are pretty minor as long as they are physically solid and the extra time and paint might not be something I feel is worth it.
A personal rehab or a special rehab might be a different story however when attention to detail is key.
Yes Rich they come off the superglue will lay them back down debating about the clear now they look good and since I glued one of them if something happened when spraying the clear would really be cursing. I may test the other one but my inclination is to leave them alone.

Bruce I disagree with you a bit on the rehab piece they really pop and not a whole bunch of effort. Your stuck inside for the winter is there not a place where you could spray those while you are hibernating. you could do 4 or 5 sets and be ready for when the season starts. :)

I meant even on a flipper.
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That really is a top drawer trick! Thanks for sharing:D. I have some tired out wheels that I want to use your ideas on. I especially want to see what I can do with a set of the very early style wheels. It looks to me like the letters may be the same size, just the whitewall is closer to the edge. You can hardly find those wheels, and any you do are sure to be worn, faded and have broken letters. I think your method could allow totally restoring and making even 30-year old wheels look new.:cool:

I think Brian is on to something, for flips too. If you set up a little production line (especially when you can’t do much else) it would be more practical to churn out a half dozen or even more sets at a time. I am going to look at it. I cleaned up my “Weber graveyard” shed yesterday and have things way better organized. I have a bunch of wheels that could benefit. Even ones that have lost all the white part (the newer “flower pattern” ones are really good for that:mad:) would look way better if brought to shiny black.
I agree Jon, I will be looking into it. However, I won't be doing any spray Painting for another 4 months or so.
The whitewall size should not matter how you repair the letters is another matter and yes for you and Bruce line up 4 or 5 sets do them at one time. You will be done in an hour not counting prep work I did 3 coats about 17 minutes apart. I don't trust the re-coat time on these paints so if you wished to shoot them with clear I would let them sit 10 days to be safe.

Do not expect the wheels to be perfect nor the sidewalls there will be defects you can do nothing about it like I said unless your going to lie on the ground and look at them you will never see them. Funny thing is when I look at the wheels close up way more imperfections when painted but in the photo's look pretty good so don't stress going to look way better than they look now.

The letters to me would be a problem my idea is you would have to put the whitewalls face down then fix them from behind use that loctite pencil just go easy just a bit since you will be gluing them when you put them together down the road. Of course when you turn them around to paint them your going to see a gap where you glued them but the paint may take care of that not perfect of course no way to fill that gap.

Happy to contribute for a change no frame painting today still raining but in no hurry.
Brian, that is a good point. I have found that with the Rustoleum 2x paints, you either need to recoat within about 10-15 minutes or wait at least a day. If not, the secondary coat will act as a solvent and start stripping the undercoat before it all dries again. I hope that makes any sense
Bruce makes total sense I usually do what you do 15-17 minutes 3 coats so done in an hour. I am more cautious if I need to use more paint usually wait at least 3 days before going near it at least, if its clear I wait longer nothing worse than doing a nice paint job and screw up the clear coat.
So the underneath of the frame has been painted had to do it inside rain will not stop. Will need another coat 3 days from now then will be able to flip it over. Using the 500 degree rusto engine enamel have use it before beautiful paint but it needs at least 3 days to dry. Do not try to cheat do not touch it if you think it is dry unless you want a fingerprint to mark your frame.

Looking good Brian. But that case of Hofbrau reminds of some
great times at Oktoberfest in Munchen. 85, 86, and 87.
So far so good.

Dave, I hit the Octoberfest in the late 80's a couple times and again a couple times in the early 90's. Great time if you didn't mind stepping over drunk, passed out people. haahaha. It really is a spectacle.
I never got to that point at the fest. But, I can remember people laying under the tables, passed out sitting at the tables, on top of the tables, in the grass. People didn't care, they just kept partying right next to them. Another strange thing that I noticed is that with thousands of drunk people all crammed together, you didn't see anyone fighting.
Being from Germany we avoided that fest. I have been there twice. Once as a little kid on the shoulders of my dad and once as a young adult. Never again. It is mainly for tourists to get drunk. I prefer the local wine and beer fests in the little towns and villages over these mass overpriced binge drinking events like the Octoberfest. Stuttgart has a similar one.
Unfortunately I did not get to drink that beer, I brew my own and a guy on Craigslist was selling the bottles as he gave up the hobby so got 2 cases of them empty unfortunately. :)
2 tours in the Army stationed in Augsburg. Did you ever do a Volksmarch. I did at least 50. The beer at the end was a fitting end.
So weather has not been good frame still not done needs some rubdown with 400 and another coat but wanted to post as I went along different stuff. Here is an frame plastic endcap painted against the unpainted handle. Pretty close on the color at least close enough for me but pretty impossible comparing the color on a dull handle weathered all these years this was Rusto paint Granite Satin which when I put some clear on them should darken them up a bit.

I am going to spray the handle also, will try to avoid painting the end pieces that go into the lids since they will get the hottest since they are touching metal will only paint the front of the handle and will use high heat clear so we will see.


