Who said it was needed? If you're going to be a bear, you may as well be a Grizzly Bear.Robert, That 26'r Performer is off the hook, I can't wait to see what you cook on that baby.
No bottle opener needed, as most serious beer drinkers can open a beer with a rock, a lighter, a spatula etc.
Keep it clean.
No disrespect Lew.
Well... I said it was finished, however I'm still looking for a hammered CL Performer to cannibalize for it's gas assist. Am in no hurry.
Robert, does the bowl just sit in the holders, or is it welded?
I'm still intrigued by the side burner, have you used it yet and if so how do you like it? The reason I ask is the side burn on my gas grill is really only good for lighting charcoal and warming sauces, and that burner looks like a winner.