Bob Correll
R.I.P. 3/31/2022
That's good news???So far a pork plant has closed down in here in Rochelle IL. Tried finding some pork chops and not a scrap of pork to be found anywhere
That's good news???So far a pork plant has closed down in here in Rochelle IL. Tried finding some pork chops and not a scrap of pork to be found anywhere
Oh hell no................was just relating it since the subject had touched on pork. Me....................vegan?! When pigs flyThat's good news???
Damned Tim.... as if the stress of this whole mess isn't enough, you and your family having to worry about your Mom recovering in a nursing home too must have been just brutal. Congrats to all of you for getting through it. Your good news made me feel better too!!My Mom came home from the nursing home today.She's been there for a month recovering from back surgery.
My wife and I have been there every day getting her place in tip top shape.
She was so happy to be home, but it was hard greeting her with masks and gloves on.
Timothy, that is encouraging news! I do not post much, but I am a frequent visitor, and will also add her to my prayers. Thank you for sharing.My sister in law might be coming home from six weeks in the hospital (3 in regular for dehydration and pneumonia followed by three in a rehab facility trying to get her to walk more comfortably with a walker), her husband has been going out of his mind! He is having a terrible time getting any information from anyone and since they are in Alabama and we are in Michigan so, we can’t do anything from here but, I hope she comes home today! Praying for that and crossing fingers as well.
How kind James, thank you her name is Sharon for prayers, she’s had a fair bit of health issues not the least of which is psoriatic arthritis and a stroke between the stroke and arthritis, motion is extremey limited to say the least.Timothy, that is encouraging news! I do not post much, but I am a frequent visitor, and will also add her to my prayers. Thank you for sharing.
Did she specify the size can and/or brand? Good for her, let the little slacker know she sees him loafing!Barb is a very kind soul and has the patience of a saint. Even with all the stress she is under with her job she is always upbeat. Yesterday she came home from work with a big smile on her face. So being the dutiful husband that I am I asked why she was so happy.
She said remember I told you about the worthless box boy/bagger that we have at the store. Today I got stuck with him after an hour of him goofing off I told him if he didn't stop screwing around and start doing his job I was going to shove a can of beans up his A**.
He was as good as gold the rest of the day.
That's my Barb.
How many years ago did she use that line on you, Rich? And how often has she had to repeat it?She said remember I told you about the worthless box boy/bagger that we have at the store. Today I got stuck with him after an hour of him goofing off I told him if he didn't stop screwing around and start doing his job I was going to shove a can of beans up his A**.
He was as good as gold the rest of the day.
That's my Barb.
You beat me to it, Brad!How many years ago did she use that line on you, Rich? And how often has she had to repeat it?![]()
You beat me to it, Brad!
How many years ago did she use that line on you, Rich? And how often has she had to repeat it?![]()
Good news? That's more like "can't beat it with a stick" news!My good news for the day;
I don't have to work today. The weather is beautiful, and I have plenty of beer. The wife will be grilling rib-eyes for dinner.