Herb Stuffed Boneless Pork Loin


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Found a recipe I wanted to try in the Cooks Country book Cook it in Cast Iron.
The recipe is Herb – Stuffed Boneless Pork Loin.
I cut a fairly large pork loin in half and with one half started my Canadian bacon and used the other half for this dish.
The stuffing is a mixture of brown sugar, S&P, thin sliced garlic, Parmesan cheese, parsley, chopped fresh basil.
Called for anchovy but I don’t put bait in my food.
Rolled the roast and browned over direct heat until all sides were browned then indirect until an IT of 135 was reached. About 35 minutes, let rest for 20 minutes.
Barb made some squash rounds with EVOO and Penzeys Tuscan Sunset, a salt free Italian style seasoning. Along with a plate salad.
Turned out really well and will do again.








Hope you have a great week.
Looks and sounds delicious Rich. I'd include the anchovies though. Love them, especially on pizza. Sounds like an interesting cook book also.
Looks and sounds delicious Rich. I'd include the anchovies though. Love them, especially on pizza. Sounds like an interesting cook book also.

Cliff, the book is fantastic it's put out by Americas Test Kitchen. Barb has used it to make at least four dishes so far that were outstanding. This is my first one out of the book.

Barb did these two.
Way to get the best of both worlds Rich and Barb, a beautiful looking stuffed pork loin and sides and some Canadian bacon to boot eh.
Wow that looks great!!!! I enjoy watching America's test kitchen, they have great ideas. You nailed this one!
What a fantastic looking loin!!! I agree with adding the anchovies, just adding a little adds something to a dish without it tasting like anchovy.
I add some dried apricots and diced red peppers to mushroom and spinach stuffing with a drizzle of cognac before I roll it up, I have bacon wrapped them but, it's far from necessary. Never used the CI, I guess I just never thought about it.
Just rolled the fatty for one dinner at the cottage in a couple of weeks. Frozen now, it will act as ice for provisions which will be taken up on the 6 hour drive.
Considering spatchcocking a chicken and freezing it flattened out for the same reason, opinions anyone?
Nice work Rich. Perfect color on the pork. I'm going to have to borrow that recipe.
Wow Rich, that looks amazing! I have that book on my amazon save for later list, might be time to get it.
What a great looking plate. So much good food being cooked at your place. I have to agree with the others... anchovy can be a fine addition. One or two fillets minced and blended with other ingredients can add to the depth of flavour.

There's times though that I need to get some whole fillets on a pizza... along with some Italian wine.
You got it right there Rich. That's some great looking food. I watch the show occasionally and it is interesting. I think the book would be a great addition

