Genesis Redhead 1100 "Diamondplate Edition" Restoration

Joel, you are doing a great job. The grill is coming along very well. I understand the deal on the grates. I got the RCP flavo bars to start with and when I could afford them, I got me some of his SS grates. I am very glad I did.

Where did you get the SS grates that you have. They look much like the Uniflasy ones that I was using on my flip grills this summer. They are better than the stamped steel porcelain coated ones and even the stamped stainless steel ones, but they do have a big gap between rods.

If you want to upgrade the grates, there is a set that is a close second to the RCP grates, but at a much lower price.

Those grates are much better than what you probably have now and probably only $20 or so more in price. But, if you have the money and want the cream of the crop, you want the RCP grates.
Looking good!

Thanks Sam!

Joel, you are doing a great job. The grill is coming along very well. I understand the deal on the grates. I got the RCP flavo bars to start with and when I could afford them, I got me some of his SS grates. I am very glad I did.

Where did you get the SS grates that you have. They look much like the Uniflasy ones that I was using on my flip grills this summer. They are better than the stamped steel porcelain coated ones and even the stamped stainless steel ones, but they do have a big gap between rods.

If you want to upgrade the grates, there is a set that is a close second to the RCP grates, but at a much lower price.

Those grates are much better than what you probably have now and probably only $20 or so more in price. But, if you have the money and want the cream of the crop, you want the RCP grates.

I got them off Ebay a while back during one of the 15% off sales. Thanks for the recommendation on the replacements. Like you said, I figured I could always upgrade later if I needed to.
Too bad you could not go with his grates. That spacing looks horrible. Like nearly 3/4 inch between rods. You may find them a pain to use when things start falling through otherwise looking nice. BTW I am sorry I completely forgot with everything going on here in my 3 ring circus to take those photos. Glad someone else did
Too bad you could not go with his grates. That spacing looks horrible. Like nearly 3/4 inch between rods. You may find them a pain to use when things start falling through otherwise looking nice. BTW I am sorry I completely forgot with everything going on here in my 3 ring circus to take those photos. Glad someone else did

Haha, you guy must be grilling some tiny hamburgers!
If all you do is burgers and steaks, then you will be fine. But I do a lot of stuff on my grill. I love asparagus in the summer. I just did a couple pounds of Fajita meat strips last night on the grill. I would never try either on a grill with wider gaps in the grates.

If you really want to get the most out of that "new to you" grill, I suggest getting a rotisserie as well as some type of smoker system. You would be amazed at what you can with a roto on these grills.

Here is a 6lb chicken i did a few months ago. I plan on a 14lb turkey for Thanksgiving.

Too bad you could not go with his grates. That spacing looks horrible. Like nearly 3/4 inch between rods. You may find them a pain to use when things start falling through otherwise looking nice. BTW I am sorry I completely forgot with everything going on here in my 3 ring circus to take those photos. Glad someone else did

Larry, the QuliMetal grates that Bruce posted have 16 bars to a grate if I measured them correctly its 1/2 spacing. For the money hard to beat since a bunch of us grabbed these when they sold them for $29 bucks on sale, even at the current price not a bad deal for 304.
The Qullmetal ones are definitely not what was pictured. The ones he's picturing look to have a 3/4" spacing. That is just too excessive IMO. That wide spacing will not properly hold foods up. I.E. if cooking a large fish filet like say a salmon filet. The fish will sag between bars, and be very hard to handle. Tighter spacing is not only to keep things on the top side but it makes even larger foods easier to handle, stick less and leaves them more aesthetically pleasing
Yah, those are closer to the Uniflasy grates. There are certainly not the Quilimetal ones.
The Qullmetal ones are definitely not what was pictured. The ones he's picturing look to have a 3/4" spacing. That is just too excessive IMO. That wide spacing will not properly hold foods up. I.E. if cooking a large fish filet like say a salmon filet. The fish will sag between bars, and be very hard to handle. Tighter spacing is not only to keep things on the top side but it makes even larger foods easier to handle, stick less and leaves them more aesthetically pleasing

Larry, my bad brain dead sometimes I followed Bruce's link and assumed Joel bought those but it appears he did not as I did not inspect his picture close enough. Sorry for the confusion meaning my confusion.
Ha! I know the brain dead all too well LOL wandering around in a fog today. Bored, waiting for parts to finish a presold mixer, too wet, cold and windy to do yard work or clean a grill (especially the Wolf) which I have not been able to use since hitting with over spray from staining my deck. Just a miserable day plus not feeling well to boot.
Oh, yah, Some confusion here. I was suggesting he might consider the Quilimetal grates, but the grates on the grill in the photo look more like Uniflasy or even lower quality grates.
Moving to the wood, I decided I was going to use the original wood for several reasons. One - I like the idea of using the original parts whenever possible. Two - Since I marked the order and placement of each board, in theory all the holes should line up on re-assembly. Three - it was free and none of the boards were missing or in too rough of shape.

Of course the down side meant I would need to sand 24 boards and a handle. As I mentioned previously mine originally had the gray painted wood, but luckily the Arizona weather had already removed most of that, at least on the side facing up. The remaining gray paint really gummed up the sandpaper quickly, so I was fortunate it wasn't in better condition.

So I sat down with the orbital sander and over the course of two nights manged to knock them all out.

The handle was by far the most difficult because the sander couldn't reach the channels. Some paper wrapped around a drill but and a little patience eventually took care of it.

After a very light stain the first coat of Spar is now drying.

Certainly glad to have the sanding behind me, with a little luck I'll be grilling this weeekend!
Wow, what a turn around. I love the idea of going with the original, but it sure turned out much better than I would have expected.

It is good that you marked the boards though, they don't all have the same mounting point on the brackets and several of the boards have the screw hole non-mid center. It will aid you greatly in getting them back in and even.

Fabulous job Joel. That Spar really brought out the beauty and grain of the wood.
Wow, what a turn around. I love the idea of going with the original, but it sure turned out much better than I would have expected.

It is good that you marked the boards though, they don't all have the same mounting point on the brackets and several of the boards have the screw hole non-mid center. It will aid you greatly in getting them back in and even.

Fabulous job Joel. That Spar really brought out the beauty and grain of the wood.

Thanks Bruce! Marking the boards was 100% a suggestion I pulled from this board. Just one of the many, many ways it's helped out.
Nice work Joel that's going to be really nice when you're done. You are now just coming into prime grilling season down in Phoenix. Up here it's getting really cold and windy in the evenings, supposed to get into the mid 20s next week.
Got all but two of my grills and my small mini smoker in the hibernation mode now.
Nice work Joel that's going to be really nice when you're done. You are now just coming into prime grilling season down in Phoenix. Up here it's getting really cold and windy in the evenings, supposed to get into the mid 20s next week.
Got all but two of my grills and my small mini smoker in the hibernation mode now.

Thanks Rich - Yes but you are very lucky, Prescott is a beautiful place!
Wow Joel, I've been watching this thread like it's my favorite TV show, and I couldn't be more impressed with the turn of events with the slats!

You're doing a great job, and employing patience, which I battle constantly!

Great work, I think I'm not the only person waiting to see a cook picture from your "new" grill.


I am with everyone else in enjoying the unfolding of your rredhead renewal. It looks like it will be a first class restore. That is a beautiful and definitely authentic job on those slats and handles. Your patient work is paying off!

I am with Tim in wanting to see the final pics and an action shot:cool:!

