Search results

  1. G

    WAL-MART Beef....

    Sorry if this is repetitive - anyone else notice how much better the "new" Wal-mart beef quality is? Price is very low for quality given. Had a couple of filets that were some of the best tasting meat I've ever eaten. Anyone else finding this to be true?
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    SS Performers

    Mark, BUY the Performer! You'll absolutely be glad you did! I love mine! (just……not as much as Wolgast, I don't think…..yeah, not that much!
  3. G

    How to safely transport new Forschner knives

    Hey all! Buying new 12"Forschner cimeter and 14"granton slicer. *** What is best purchase to safely carry these to friends houses, camping, etc? Thanks!
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    Pork Loin Help!!!

    Hi Folks! I've got to grill 8 6lb pork loins by 12pm tomorrow. I've got a performer and 18" bullet. * These won't be eaten until Sat wedding but will picked up and transported tomorrow. ** They don't want any rub other than s&p. ??? Should I brine overnite tonite? When cooked how should I set...
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    How Much Flavor Does Charcoal Impart?

    Michael, I'd say beyond doubt lump wood type affects taste. My favorite lump these days is B&B from Texas (get @ Academy sports stores). They have 2 types of lump, strictly oak or strictly mesquite. I've not tried the mesquite yet but the oak - WOW! It really flavors my cooks with oak taste...
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    Opinions Wanted: Arthur Bryant's and Gates BBQ

    I lived there, have family there: Kyle is spot-on! Oklahoma Joes, then Jack's Stack!
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    High temp brisket

    Kevin, "Others", I'm wondering if it changes the equation at all to "foil" in a foil covered foil pan versus the couple sheets of foil as Kevin describes? (more space in pan versus sheets wrapped) If all things are the same it would seem foil pan is little easier to manipulate and insure no...
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    Wood Sources

    I've had real good luck with this guy on ebay - great wood and prices.
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    New "Performer" question

    This is VERY cool and I needed to share with folks who would appreciate it (wife has not quite left the "dark side" and joined "the Force" yet!) Just picked up a PERFORMER off Craig's list - MAYBE used 3 times, bin full of charcoal, new set of Weber grill tools, new grill brush, little...
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    Resting Meat

    Here is a great article about resting meat after cooking.
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    Can anyone Duplicate a Greenberg Turkey?

    Clay, thanks so much for posting your question about Greenberg turkey! I had not thought about them for a good while - without doubt the BEST turkey I've ever eaten was a Greenberg sent to Nashville for Christmas one year by my folks! Surely there are other Texans out there who've had one...
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    Texas natural meats guarantee; RO rib cook

    R. Ryan, not surprised about H.E.B. My uncle is retiring after 48 years with them. To give you an idea what kind of company they are and how they value folks, he started after school in a corner grocery (long gone) on 3rd street in Waco, Tx working - learning to be a butcher. Went on to Baylor...
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    Genesis Gold lid problem

    Folks - I've noticed my 4 year old Genesis Gold lid rusting very badly on the inside. Is that a typical problem? Seems like it should have lasted a bit longer? Thanks for any response...
  14. G

    Why Oak?

    I imagine your own personal experience plays a part in what you like. "Memories" from way back, etc. Agree that pecan is in between oak & hickory in strength of taste. But my memory prefers oak for beef (brisket) and hickory for pork. Pecan for beef as well. Save hickory for pork.
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    Hickory Vs Pecan

    I also enjoy pecan (state tree of Texas) as many bbq joints in the homeland used strictly pecan. I'd say it is milder than hickory, not as mild as apple; similar to oak but distinct in it's own way. I'm betting you'll like it once you try it.
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    Bobby Flay

    Hey Lonnie Mac, I want a pit like that as well - Where do I get one!!! Thanks!
  17. G

    A Good Butcher Shop in the Nashville Area?

    Sorry, try this: Butchers Block 9100 Carothers Pkwy Franklin, TN 37067 (615) 771-0233
  18. G

    A Good Butcher Shop in the Nashville Area? This place looks pretty good!
  19. G

    Shipping BBQ out of state

    All, I want to get some pulled pork and brisket to my folks back home in Texas. Anyone have any experience in shipping meat between states? Thanks!
  20. G

    New Med Report On "Charred Beef"

    Anyone see the Google item on a report/study having to do with levels of "charred" beef and increased health risk? Any opinions? Any docs in the house? Herr Kruger? I assume ...."moderation in all things"?

