Search results

  1. SE Davis

    Wed ribs and chicken for warriors -clippers

    Looks like you are off to a great start Brad. Scott
  2. SE Davis

    My Second Brisket

    Looks great to me Gene! Scott
  3. SE Davis

    Turkey Burgers

    I'll take a plate Tony. Scott
  4. SE Davis

    Pok Pok Ribs (Monster Style)

    Just an excellent plate! Scott
  5. SE Davis

    First Time Pulled Pork Enchiladas and A New Turn on Tony R's Rice

    Nice job on the cook Rich! Scott
  6. SE Davis

    Reverse Caveman drum sticks! W/ videos ( if they work)

    Your chicken looks awesome sir. Scott
  7. SE Davis

    Tri Tip

    I'll take a plate John. Scott
  8. SE Davis

    Pork Shoulder on 14" WSM

    Good smoke . Pork looks great. Scott
  9. SE Davis

    Cast Iron Pan Restoration

    Yea Bill I took most of a week to season it 6 times with her method. I have some newer lodge pieces that I have seasoned with lard. I figured since it was a keepsake for the wife why not try something different. Thanks for your help. Scott
  10. SE Davis

    Sweet and Sour Mix

    Another great cook. Well done Tony. Scott
  11. SE Davis

    The Older I Get... The Better I Was

    Mouth watering steaks Jak. Scott
  12. SE Davis

    Pulled Chuck Roast again!

    Excellent beef sammies Marty! Scott
  13. SE Davis

    Chops, Spuds and Trees

    Perfect cook Mike! Scott
  14. SE Davis

    Turkeys, Chickens and a Lonesome Dove

    Awesome color on the gobblers. Scott
  15. SE Davis

    a little Chicken

    That's my problem Jim. I stop by and leave hungry....again.LOL Scott
  16. SE Davis

    Carne Asada Tacos

    Another great cook John! Scott
  17. SE Davis

    Hotdog lunch + Steak and Veggies for Dinner

    Great lookin steak and taters! Scott
  18. SE Davis

    St. Louis Spares

    Excellent cook and whippersnapper approved! Scott
  19. SE Davis

    2nd try with the Ketlle pizza oven.

    Cool pics and tasty pizza there Phil. Scott
  20. SE Davis

    Pernil Revisited

    Great looking pork Larry. Time to press some Cubans. Scott

