Jak Stepan
A couple of whole chickens and a turkey. last fall. preparing for Thanksgiving I ended up bbq'g 4 whole 12 lb turkeys at different times between mid october and thanksgiving day, plus a handful of chickens too in order to get my timing and recipes and techniques down.
these dam weber kettles still continuously impress me with their versatility and ability to turn out any cooks of any meats for any length of time so tender and juicy. my son helped me on this turkey and took a video of me slicing the breast and the juice leaking out but his iphone steamed up and so the vid is unrecognizable or Id post it.
used several different rubs on these bird trials
Lawry's Mediterranean http://www.mccormick.com/Lawrys/Flavors/Spice-Blends/Mediterranean-Herb-Seasoned-Salt
McCormick's Tuscan http://www.mccormick.com/Gourmet/Spices-and-Flavors/Blends/Tuscan-Seasoning
Penzey's Tuscan Sunset http://www.penzeys.com/cgi-bin/penzeys/p-penzeystuscan.html
McCormick's Mediterranean http://www.mccormick.com/Gourmet/Spices-and-Flavors/Blends/Mediterranean-Spiced-Sea-Salt
all of them are excellent spice mixes. different in their own right, but all were tasty and went well with poultry.
one of my turkeys first. I do all of my poultry breast down. every time. how come? gravity.

the wing pulled off, my dads and grandpas family used this trick to know when the birds were done

here are two chicken birds... this was at about 1030 at nite on a weeknite (kids, work, school, blah blah blah) so I was starving as you can see the slices I couldn't wait anymore

heheh call says to gus... if you wanna think something, why don't you think that roof back up on that barn

thanks for checking in. yall leave them lids alone.
don't lift the lid...
these dam weber kettles still continuously impress me with their versatility and ability to turn out any cooks of any meats for any length of time so tender and juicy. my son helped me on this turkey and took a video of me slicing the breast and the juice leaking out but his iphone steamed up and so the vid is unrecognizable or Id post it.
used several different rubs on these bird trials
Lawry's Mediterranean http://www.mccormick.com/Lawrys/Flavors/Spice-Blends/Mediterranean-Herb-Seasoned-Salt
McCormick's Tuscan http://www.mccormick.com/Gourmet/Spices-and-Flavors/Blends/Tuscan-Seasoning
Penzey's Tuscan Sunset http://www.penzeys.com/cgi-bin/penzeys/p-penzeystuscan.html
McCormick's Mediterranean http://www.mccormick.com/Gourmet/Spices-and-Flavors/Blends/Mediterranean-Spiced-Sea-Salt
all of them are excellent spice mixes. different in their own right, but all were tasty and went well with poultry.
one of my turkeys first. I do all of my poultry breast down. every time. how come? gravity.

the wing pulled off, my dads and grandpas family used this trick to know when the birds were done

here are two chicken birds... this was at about 1030 at nite on a weeknite (kids, work, school, blah blah blah) so I was starving as you can see the slices I couldn't wait anymore

heheh call says to gus... if you wanna think something, why don't you think that roof back up on that barn

thanks for checking in. yall leave them lids alone.
don't lift the lid...