Tri Tip


John Solak

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Picked up a marinated tri tip over the weekend to give it a try.

Tri tip off and resting, forgot to take a pic. As it was resting on went some asparagus and a sourdough loaf of garlic bread.

Everything before it gets sliced up and devoured.

My plate. Its was good and the beef was tender but I am not a fan of heavily seasoned tri tip. I like my tri tip to taste like a tri tip and the seasoning on this kind of masked it. To each their own I guess.
John, you (and a few others here) grill the FINEST Tri Tip I've seen!
And I believe EVERY word you say about it! The BEST Chefs KNOW The BEST! You - SIR - are The Best!!
Great Grilling!!!
This is probably the nicest plate that i've seen in a while. That is really a perfect meal to me. Helluva job!

A CA guy buying a pre-marinated tri tip? Oh the horror!:p
Never know unless you try something different though.
Great looking meal and pics John!

