The Older I Get... The Better I Was


Jak Stepan

wife got me this teeshirt on vacation last summer. somehow ive been misaccused with embellishing my stories just a bit. me? well... as a friend used to day - never let the facts get in the way of a good story. anyway speaking of story ill get to the story here, another steak taste test this time my favorite slab of meat on mother earth... the king of steaks: porterhouse.

A) is USDA Choice from the local university's meat market (the school has a very strong beef and agriculture program), B) is USDA Choice from a Texas rancher Nolan Ryan who sells his beef through Kroger grocery stores, and C) is USDA Select from my favorite grocery store here HEB.

all seasoned up the same way: a little sea salt and fresh black pepper only. all the same thickness 1.25". all bbq'd at the same time, the same temperature, the same way, on the same pit.

does it get any better than this men?

i love chips. all kinds. use them to wash down my frosty beers while waiting on the pit

indirect, slow and low (even steaks). bones almost at the coal line... about 1.5"-2" away from the direct heat

no i didn't eat all these different chips at this one cook, these are just some that i like the best

pecan wood is working its magic. see that juice seeping outa the bone? im one thirsty carnivore.

yep i flipped them and one a taste test i also monitor the meats closer which means... ive got to lift the lid a few times

how could i pass these up, even if they misspelled my name. heheh

and the final product. i didn't get inside pics sorry, wife was already late on a road trip so was in a little hurry. yes i do steaks over direct heat and get a nice sear sometimes too. this time was not that time though. love them slow and low and juicy and tender.

wait almost forgot to tell you which was best. believe it or not we both chose the USDA select from HEB. very very close but it was a little more tender and juicy despite being a grade lower than the two USDA choice steaks. The Nolan Ryan steak was a bit tastier but that's due to his ranging his cattle. the University beef was excellent also. no complaints on either of the 3, very close.

thanks for taking a look. some of yall out there have incredible skills with steaks - i admire yalls work it keeps me up on my game and gives me other ideas. take it easy.

don't lift the lid...
jersey joe. funny you asked... wife liked the HEB store brand best (it was too dusty for me, ie too much seasoning). i liked the Cape Cods best. but we liked them all.

don't lift the lid...
jersey joe. funny you asked... wife liked the HEB store brand best (it was too dusty for me, ie too much seasoning). i liked the Cape Cods best. but we liked them all.

don't lift the lid...

I see.
No HEB around here, but I'll try the Cape Cods next time I go to the store. I too, am a potato chip connoisseur. (and it shows) :p
What a great post ! Steaks on the grill...(those looked awesome , BTW) and all kinds of chips on display ! What's not to love ?
Great t-shirt too .
Those are awesome looking porterhouse steaks. I usually don't find them with that large of a tenderloin section. I'm going to steal your idea of washing down my beer with chips.

