a little Chicken


Jim Lampe

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
start this lame post with a lame video...


.....................gotta show some R-E-S-P-E-C-T ▼


olrighty then, let's start cookin' by opening a fine German brewski ;)


cubed up two large sweet potatoes, EVOO and turbinado sugared
tossed into a 400 degree oven for about 45 to 60 minutes


brought out the 18" avocado kettle for this short cook...


chicken breasts were marinated for only 30 minutes in MOORE'S Hickory Marinade
then on the hot grill...



served with sautéed red peppers & asparagus with the caramelized chucks of delicious sweet potatoes


EZ and Fantabulous dinner!
Thank you for stopping by!
Cheers for that Buddy, that chicken looks soooo tasty, id luv to put a video up....but i only got a face for radio!!
Great looking plate!
I liked the "lame" video... Today I learned that it's pronounced Jim "Lampy" and not Jim "Lamp". I also learned that you have that crazy NMidWest accent. Now whenever I read your posts, I'll hear the words in my head like I'm reading for a part in Fargo 2. :p
you guys are funnier than that video :p
thanks for your "kind" remarks...
I was more laid-back yesterday than usual... and did not want to sound like TV Lenny, like I have in previous videos...

but you can believe what you like ;)

ha ha ! Right on. Don't change a thing , Jim , we're just razzin ya. That was a great looking cook as usual and on second viewing , your vid was very natural and homey. You're a fun guy.

