a little Chicken

actually, that was my best Harrison Ford impersonation :p

Great looking she~cone and veggies , did the personalized plate come with the truck?
Thanks Nick, no, the plate is mine.

Today I learned that it's pronounced Jim "Lampy" and not Jim "Lamp". I also learned that you have that crazy NMidWest accent. Now whenever I read your posts, I'll hear the words in my head like I'm reading for a part in Fargo 2. :p
Joe, I ain't got an accent of any kind and the name is pronounced lam-pee ;)

At least you know how to spell Respect correctly Jim. Lol
hear ya Steve... Barack will get it right someday
Joe, I ain't got an accent of any kind and the name is pronounced lam-pee ;)

Then why did I have to find a tutorial so I could understand you real quick once.

Just kidding, I could listen to that up nort accent yous guys have all day!
Badger Red four-by is looking real clean , and that there bird is looking real good no?
not sure I ever said real quick once but that ain't saying i'll never once say it real quick
and that guy in you video Bob was born in Cudahy alright? so he ain't like the rest of us Wisconsin folk from around this area.

thanks anyway for yous guys nice comments :p
You're a braver man than me, Jim, to put your smilin' mug out there for all to see! Which, I'm sorry to say, doesn't hold a candle to your cookin'!

