You have choose only one rub/seasoning for a year. Pick one

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You might find some converts.

Next time I do a batch of sauce I WILL share! My wife's two faves are Tequila-habanero and Maple-chipotle. Stoopid (tm) easy to make and no artifical colourings, preservatives, , glucose-fructose etc. My rubs are simply like "stone soup". :)
I want to try new rubs but some of the ones I have gotten lately are not so great. If you have to choose only one rub/seasoning to use for pork/chicken/burgers for the next year.

Which would you choose?

Mine would be Dizzy Pigs dizzy dust

For bbq sauce it would be blues hog original but I change rubs more then sauces.

I've been using Ray Lampe's recipe #67 recently and really like it.
I use Harry Soo's basic rub (home made, of course:rolleyes:).

Keep on smokin',

I've seen that basic combination of ingredients over the years and would agree, it's a great basic combination of spices. I definitely make my own. A few changes are that I use raw sugar and a chile that is a little stronger than what I would call "mild". The general combination of sweet and heat is a great place to start.

SPOG is good, but I like a little more flavor than that.

The problem with this question is that it's hard to have one rub for all meats. SPOG is about all you need for beef. The Harry Soo basic rub is something I would use on pork but probably not beef.
For me it would be a coin toss between Dizzy Pig Dizzy Dust and Bad Byron's Butt Rub. I usually mix the two together.

