Jerry N.
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    • Jerry N.
      Jerry N. reacted to J Hasselberger's post in the thread Wings - need advice. with Like Like.
      We've been doing wings using a variation of Steve Raichlen's Buffaque Wings recipe for years and have them every couple of months...
    • Jerry N.
      Jerry N. reacted to Larry D.'s post in the thread Wings - need advice. with Like Like.
      I'm no expert, but I use the "hot fire in the center of the kettle, wings cooked indirect" method. The wings are dusted with my own rub...
    • Jerry N.
      Jerry N. replied to the thread Wings - need advice..
      Not sure about the “best”, but I’ll be using Rockwood hardwood lump because that’s what I have. (y)
    • Jerry N.
      Jerry N. replied to the thread Wings - need advice..
      After reading these posts, I’m pretty sure my first cook will just be with the gasser. I have an east west Genesis so I can set the...
    • Jerry N.
      Jerry N. reacted to timothy's post in the thread Wings - need advice. with Like Like.
      The OP has 3# and 3 different cooks so he has a few options. I like crispy and also bite thru skin and to achieve the latter you need to...
    • Jerry N.
      Jerry N. reacted to Darryl - swazies's post in the thread Wings - need advice. with Like Like.
      Just give me a week or so I have a wing cook planned.....low n slow smoked in the E6..... Then frying them on the Slate.....was given an...
    • Jerry N.
      Jerry N. reacted to Brett-EDH's post in the thread Wings - need advice. with Like Like.
      i will venture a guess that you're cooking a thin or thinner boneless skinless breast in 15 minutes, over direct heat, which could be...
    • Jerry N.
      Jerry N. replied to the thread Wings - need advice..
      I’m not sure but if they’re whole wings, I will trim them up.
    • Jerry N.
      Jerry N. reacted to Brian B Atlanta's post in the thread Wings - need advice. with Like Like.
      I am close to what Brett does I spray them with fake butter after the dry rub cook them indirect on the kettle at 375 for an hour.
    • Jerry N.
      Jerry N. reacted to Brian B Atlanta's post in the thread Wings - need advice. with Like Like.
      Not my quote substitute chicken for meat or whatever. It takes time and energy to heat something up. Bones take more energy to heat up...
    • Jerry N.
      Jerry N. replied to the thread Wings - need advice..
      This is the part that’s hard to understand. I cook a nice size boneless skinless chicken breast at 400 in about 10 to 15 min. It...
    • Jerry N.
      Jerry N. reacted to Darryl - swazies's post in the thread Wings - need advice. with Like Like.
      Tons of posts around here in a few different ways..... Hot hot hot is the only way, anything low will result in not very edible...
    • Jerry N.
      Jerry N. reacted to Brett-EDH's post in the thread Wings - need advice. with Like Like.
      Dry rub SPOG, a dash of cayenne or hot chili powder. Coat the wings with the dry rub as you toss them in a large workbowl with a very...
    • Jerry N.
      Jerry N. posted the thread Wings - need advice. in Grilling.
      My daughters bought me a meat box as a gift which includes wings. I like wings but have never done them at home. I have a Genesis...
    • Jerry N.
      Jerry N. replied to the thread Waygu Burgers.
      The ground beef didn't look too outrageous. Grass fed organic ground beef at my local Kroger is $8.50 a pound. SRF waygu ground beef...
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