Wireless Thermometers for WSM



New member
Reading through a lot of the posts here, it seems that most use the Maverick 732 or 733. Has anyone used the Weber 6741? I am a Weber guy, through and through, so I am leaning towards this new thermometer since it is the same price as a Maverick. Just curious if anyone has had success or failure using it.

Thanks for the help and advice!

This is a new item to me. I have the Maverick 732 and have been happy with it. However, when I called Maverick about a minor problem I wasn't overwhelmed with their customer service.

If I were buying new, I, TOO, would be interested in the Weber item.

Maybe someone else here, has actually used one and can chime in here.

Keep on smokin',
It's a newer product introduced as Weber's response to so many Mav users. If I didn't already have a Mav and iGrill I would look into it.
I just bought a 732 and it's worked great so far. Didn't even know Weber had this, only one review on Amazon so it must be fairly new to the market.
I'm in the market for a new thermometer I was about to purchase the maverick but after seeing this I'm going to research the weber.
I actually just read some reviews for this on webers website. They don't seem so great. I think I'm going to purchase the maverick et-733
I saw the same reviews... But you can't beat Weber's customer service. I read somewhere that it has a 2-year warranty. I don't want to be a trailblazer here, but at the same time, it might be worth the risk because of the Weber name. Decisions, decisions... :-)
I pulled the trigger on one. I also own a 732 and 733. I'll do a side-by-side comparison when it comes in and I get a chance to use it.
I pulled the trigger on one. I also own a 732 and 733. I'll do a side-by-side comparison when it comes in and I get a chance to use it.

I stopped by Lowes yesterday and picked one up. I used it last night and it worked like a charm, especially using one probe as a internal monitor in the new '14 body grommet... Although I cannot do a side-by-side comparison like you will be able to. Let me know your results!
I stopped by Lowes yesterday and picked one up. I used it last night and it worked like a charm, especially using one probe as a internal monitor in the new '14 body grommet... Although I cannot do a side-by-side comparison like you will be able to. Let me know your results!

I just ordered one as well,but cant find no specs on it. How far of a range will it pick up? Also how long are the wires from the base to the probes? Can you attach it somehow to a handle or something,or does it just have to set on a table?

I made the jump on the ET-733 along with some other goodies. I'm an impulse purchaser. lol
As far as i see it I have 30days to give it a whirl. I mean it can't be any worse than the iGrill mini...................... I hope : + )
I made the jump on the ET-733 along with some other goodies. I'm an impulse purchaser. lol
As far as i see it I have 30days to give it a whirl. I mean it can't be any worse than the iGrill mini...................... I hope : + )

hey RichieNJ,you should enjoy the ET-733,i have one and I love it so much Im ordering another one,lol,I looked at the Weber Thermometer but to me they are great at making grills and Maverick is great with their Thermometers,again just chiming in,hope you enjoy your new toy
hey RichieNJ,you should enjoy the ET-733,i have one and I love it so much Im ordering another one,lol,I looked at the Weber Thermometer but to me they are great at making grills and Maverick is great with their Thermometers,again just chiming in,hope you enjoy your new toy

Agree 100%! I'll let you know you guys know how it works out.

