Thirty Three Wonderful Years With My Lady


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Barb and I celebrated our 33rd anniversary last night. I have been blessed with being married to my best friend all these years. What a wonderful lady!
Barb has been decorating the house for Christmas this past week or so and as always it looks perfect.
We decided to take the night off and just do a simple little dinner and have a couple of glasses of wine and a couple of beef tenderloins and a nice baker.
The wine was a gift from Steven R from Australia. We helped Steven get some Weber parts that weren’t available in Australia. The wine was a Mollydooker 2015 Shiraz from Australia which I picked up at Trader Joes in California, really highly recommend it if you can find it.
Thanks again Stephen.








Thanks for paying a visit.
Congrats you two! Great job on the meal and the deco. And I agree on the Mollydooker. All of their wines are very good.
Rich and Barb.. Congratulations to you both on your wonderful milestone. You celebrated a fantastic achievement with a fantastic dinner!
Congrats on 33 wonderful years. Dinner looks great and Barb did a wonderful job decorating.
Congrats Rich & Barb. Y'all are truly blessed and it is awesome to see the results of your collaboration here on the forum! What a perfect way to celebrate your 33 years...


Congratulations on 33 Wonderful years!!!! I hope many more to come!!! P.S. The food looks wonderful...All The Best.....Bill
Happy Anniversary you two!
Beautiful decorations and meal!
Barb and Jo must be long lost sisters, Jo also has been decking the halls all week.
Congratulations on 33 years of marriage. You folks are a fine example for the younger crowd.
Beautiful home, by the way.
I bet it's, Holy cow, we have been married for 33 beautiful years, where did the time go.
Anyway's congratulations to both of you, as you are one of the TVWBB forum favorites in my book.
Congrats, Christmas decorations look great, as does your beef tenderloins and baker cook.
Congrats on the anniversary! Ya'll gotta be doing something right.
A simple dinner for a special occasion that had to have been terrific.

