The Humor Thread

Not if you are JK using the awesome smoker he welded up himself. That thing is so well insulated, snow does not melt well on it. he he.
What he's not telling you is that I darned near killed myself making it, and not from welding or an industrial accident. Some parts of that project I wouldn't mind forgetting in the least.

Edit: taking this to a new thread.

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My dear sweet former neighbor lived on the shaded side of the street across from us
So on the rare occasion that we did get snow, I'd take my flat shovel and scraper and do her driveway and walk. She'd always thank me profusely and quickly learned to not offer me money for this neighborly service
Her next door neighbor, whom I never really cared for, asked once if that was my shovel
I replied that it sure was and that I'd gladly rent it to him once I was done!
He never asked me silly questions anymore :ROFLMAO:
A young couple, traveling to their wedding, sadly die in a car crash. They Immediately find themselves in heaven, standing before Saint Peter. Given their circumstances, they ask Saint Peter if they can go ahead with the marriage. He says, "I'll find out."

A month passes. At last, Peter visits them and says, "Good news. Looks like marriage is allowed. You're scheduled for this Friday."

Moments later, the bride-to-be pulls Peter aside. Quietly she asks, "Just wanna make sure. If things don't work out, can we get a divorce?"

Without missing a beat, Saint Peter replies, "Look, lady, it took me a full month to find a preacher. How long do you think it will take me to find a lawyer?"

