The Humor Thread

Two skunks, In and Out, ask mom if they can go play outside. "Sure," she says. "But be sure you're home on-time for dinner."
The boys gambol their way outside and head for the deeper woods.

Hours later, at dinner time, Out returns home alone. Mom exclaims, "Where is your brother?!"

Out replies, "Mom, I dunno. We were playing, then we got separated. That was hours ago."

Mom replies, "Well, mister, you get your little skunk butt out there and FIND YOUR BROTHER!"

Shaken, with grumbling tummy, Out complies and heads out alone to find his brother in the deep woods.

An hour passes. Two. Four hours later, amazingly, the brothers return home, greeted by Mom.

"OUT!" she yells. "YOU DID IT!! Tell me, dear son, how did you manage to find In this late, with such little light, in the deep forest?"

"It was easy, Ma. Instincts."
Two skunks, In and Out, ask mom if they can go play outside. "Sure," she says. "But be sure you're home on-time for dinner."
The boys gambol their way outside and head for the deeper woods.

Hours later, at dinner time, Out returns home alone. Mom exclaims, "Where is your brother?!"

Out replies, "Mom, I dunno. We were playing, then we got separated. That was hours ago."

Mom replies, "Well, mister, you get your little skunk butt out there and FIND YOUR BROTHER!"

Shaken, with grumbling tummy, Out complies and heads out alone to find his brother in the deep woods.

An hour passes. Two. Four hours later, amazingly, the brothers return home, greeted by Mom.

"OUT!" she yells. "YOU DID IT!! Tell me, dear son, how did you manage to find In this late, with such little light, in the deep forest?"

"It was easy, Ma. Instincts."
That’s awful! I love it!

