Lynn Dollar
TVWBB Emerald Member
Quilt shops and BBQ joints seem to go together like PBnJ. My wife and I joked for years that we would open a business, quilt shop up front BBQ out back. Sort of a small business mullet.
She no longer quilts, but the same principle applies to yarn and she is a knitter and a weaver.
Whenever we plan a trip, I am always looking up yarn and quilt shops near good eats. One trip to the deep south involved blues and BBQ joints in the Misssissippi Delta, NOLA, and a stop to meet the quilters of Gee's Bend. That's a BBQ and quilting trip that should be on your list; even more so if you're a fan of the blues.
Here's a good place to start for planning a trip to Texas:
If your wife is a knitter and you are near KC, a trip to the Yarn Barn in Lawrence is a must.
Well, we are blues fans, I had never thought about combining the two . I'll have to run this past her. She goes on day trips to quilting shops with her quilting clatch.