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    • Colin
      Colin reacted to Richard Garcia's post in the thread Now in Doggie Heaven with Like Like.
      Our Sixteen(16)Year Old doggie “Manchas” passed-On yesterday .He was a Costa Rican ex-street dog who adopted us in the year 2010. We...
    • Colin
      Colin replied to the thread 1989 NIB Kettle.
      If it were mine, I would put it together. But that's just me. If the box was pristine I might think different.
    • Colin
      Colin reacted to Wilmer Cogburn's post in the thread Kettle Fried Chicken with Like Like.
      Tried kettle fried chicken (KFC) yesterday and I am extremely impressed! New family favorite. I took the 8 bone in skin on chicken...
    • Colin
      Colin reacted to Clay Neubauer's post in the thread KFCCB with Like Like.
      Feel like it’s been way too long since I was a contributor, but I’ve seen some tasty Kettle Fry Chicken cooks lately. I dug some stuff...
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