RIP: Rich Dahl


Chris Allingham

Staff member
It is with a heavy heart that I share the news that forum member Rich Dahl passed away on Sunday, July 21. His wife, Barbara, also a forum member, informed me of his passing this morning. She writes, "He loved being on this forum and everyone was great."

I know I speak for everyone when I say that Rich was a wonderful man and a valued member of our online community. Joining TVWBB on July 1, 2013, Rich posted over 17,000 times, making him #4 on the all-time forum Notable Members list. Dang, Rich even posted more messages than me (!) and was posting as recently as July 15. I will personally miss his participation here, as I know many of you will. Always friendly and always willing to lend a helping hand to other members.

We extend our condolences to Barb and to Rich's entire extended family...including his precious dogs that he posted about so many times. I'm not sure Rich ever posted a photo of himself on the forum, but you understand the importance of a man's dogs when he uses a photo of one of them as his forum profile avatar. His love for dogs was also shown in his forum signature: ""Rescuing just one dog won't change the world, but it surely will change the world for that one dog."


God bless you, Rich Dahl. Through some of our private conversations, I know what a good man you were to your wife and family. May you rest in peace.
On a related note, Barb has shared that she has 4-5 grills that she needs to sell, located in the Prescott Valley AZ area. She also has two sets of gas grill burners NIB 13-bar Flavorizer bars that she believes could be of use to someone. She says of the burner tubes bars, "I know they were going fast and some of the guys didn't get them."

If anyone has interest in these items, you can send Barb a direct message for more information.
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Oh, no, Chris, this is such hard news to hear! Rich was always so positive, encouraging, supportive, and generous here on the TVWB Forum! I always looked forward to the stories he shared, meals he cooked, and his excellent sense of humor. Rich and I shared both a first name, as well as a birth date, and I will miss him greatly!

Barb, you have my sincerest condolences on your loss. You, your family, and all of those who knew Rich are in my thoughts. Farewell, BBQ Brother!

Rich G.
I’ve long been a quiet cheerleader hoping that Rich could finally get his 85 Gen 2 rehabbed. There’s a picture of it on the forum here somewhere. I even looked into having it truck shipped to me at one point in time just to have the privilege of doing the project. Somebody out that way is going to wind up with some great grills from a wonderful human being. The rest of us will just have our memories…and those will be enough.
Barb I am deeply sorry for your loss, Rich was a stand up guy, with unique talents.
He will be truly missed.
Knowing he is with a higher power makes the pain a bit easier.
God Bless You.
This is horrible news :( will keep him and his family in thought and prayer. Thank you Chris for being on top of it and letting this group know. He'll be missed

