Rack of Lamb on the Weber


Peter Gallagher

We did a rack of lamb last night - The noble rack of lamb is probably in my top 5 favorite things to cook on the Weber - its simple, it looks cool and of course, it taste great! The original recipe for this comes from the little Weber cookbook that used to come with the kettles back in the 70's and 80's I did look around to see if I could find the book - its somewhere -but couldn't find it....


Probably the most time consuming part is cleaning up the rack - these things are not cheap, and it sort of hurts hacking off about a quarter of the weight, but they sometimes come with a lot fat, that when left on sort of makes them nasty - and that's coming from a guy who enjoys fat! Also, just for appearance I like getting the membrane completely off the bones... before and after:


And on it goes, indirect - sear the top first, bring it back it in- slather with Dejon mustard and then coat with a butter / garlic / parsley / panko paste.


Action shot - I like them on rare side of medium rare - Just about there....


Looking just about right......


and plated - hope everyone is doing well, staying safe and enjoying the start of the holiday season - our plan is to stay home, cook stuff on the Weber and just ride this thing out....Happy Holidays & cheers to all!

I’ve never had a rack of lamb, but yours looks right up my alley! That crust is amazing. I might try this for Christmas. Thanks for sharing!
Absolutely fantastic, Peter!!! I love rack of lamb, and yours is just gorgeous! Very expert trim job, and a new technique for me with the sear then slather/bread crumbs! I've never done that, but I will. Man, would have loved to tuck into that meal with you!

Looks wonderful Peter. Mouth watering for sure. Great job frenching up the ribs. That's not as easy as it looks. I thought I'd breeze right through it but mine still looked pretty shaggy. Also, great shot of the snow with the lighted tree in the background. Glad I'm not alone in knowing I have something and then not being able to find it! :)
I thought I'd breeze right through it but mine still looked pretty shaggy.

yes - patience and a full beer helps with that process. I like to take the membrane off of baby backs as well - for what ever reason that process is much easier when gripping and pulling the membrane with a paper towel than just your fingers - never understood the science behind that, but the difference is astounding - the paper towel method sort of transfers to lamb, but still is a bit of work -
The dental floss “Frenching” works pretty well.
Loop around the bone snugly, wrap the tail ends of the floss around something like a wine cork and draw the floss off the end of the bone. Surprisingly good results. Try it.
I usually do a three day marinade with evoo, garlic, black pepper and rosemary... but I really like your
Dijon mustard butter / garlic / parsley / panko paste, did you use a food processor or mix by hand?
Wow that looks fantastic! Wish my other family members liked lamb. Very rarely cook it .
Case, that might just be on more reason I need to visit my sister (who loves lamb) in Portland and find a common grilling/feasting spot! The last dinner I made for my mother was a rack of lamb (Scotta ditta) and mushroom risotto. She didn’t eat much but enjoyed every bite!
I usually do a three day marinade with evoo, garlic, black pepper and rosemary... but I really like your
Dijon mustard butter / garlic / parsley / panko paste, did you use a food processor or mix by hand?
that sounds good too!.... I've made this version often - someone here asked for the recipe back in 2012....

it's in the middle of the following thread: Rack of Lamb

I used a food processer for the butter - I added the garlic to it, but could of easily did them together. I just like getting the garlic bits small, and I can do them better by hand then with the processor.... then mixed that combo in a bowl with the panko and parsley..
that sounds good too!.... I've made this version often - someone here asked for the recipe back in 2012....

it's in the middle of the following thread: Rack of Lamb

I used a food processer for the butter - I added the garlic to it, but could of easily did them together. I just like getting the garlic bits small, and I can do them better by hand then with the processor.... then mixed that combo in a bowl with the panko and parsley..Thanks Peter
Copied the recipe and printed it out, have to give that a try real soon..

Thanks Jeff

