NewYears Weekend- 40 People - 1 WSM


Rusty Breaux

my father in law's ENTIRE family came into Houston for a Big christmas/nye celebration last weekend. The kickoff of the weekend (friday evening) was at my house, and we decided to do Smoked brisket and pulled pork tacos for 40.

Hit up Costco and grabbed a 18.7lb brisket and 2 boneless butts adding up to 16lbs. So im sitting on about 35lbs of meat and my 18.5 WSM. Had NO idea if it would all fit or not, but was going to figure it out at around 5am. it was DEFINITELY tight with both butts on the lower grate, BUT i got it all on there. Everything cooked nicely and actually came out GREAT. I would say it was my best pulled pork to date. Smoked with KBB and a few chunks of Post oak and Peach wood. I actually liked the Post Oak on the pork which iv never used before. I think i should have gone a little longer on the Brisket since I was chopping it for tacos, but still came out pretty damn good. :)

So i took a shot at how much meat to cook for SO many people. I came in pretty close, I had about 1 full gallon bag of meat leftover once all said and done. Huge success!

Of course i forgot to take pix of the FINAL product, but i got a few pix through the wrapping process. Here you go.







That's a lot of meat on the 18.5, but it looks like you pulled it off without any problems! All the meat loos good, but I don't think you could have done it with out you helper!!
Thanks for sharing,
Awesome cook, Rusty! I like the pic of the little guy with the toy grill. I got my son who is about the same age one for Christmas.
Way to throw it together for the family Rusty. It looks like you ntested the limits of the 18.5. Way to get the little guy practicing on his grill.
Great looking cook on that WSM18 Rusty. I'll bet everyone will be talking about that food for a long time. The little guy looks like he was having a great time.
Talk about 10 pounds in an 8 pound bag, that's impressive and you've given me some hope. I've got a 12# brisket but it's 22" long and a 18" WSM. Maybe I can get it to fit. If you were able to get that 18lb monster on to your 18 there is hope for my 12lb one.
Aggressive cook there Rusty. Looks and sounds fantastic. Way to load that smoker up. Would have loved a plate of that goodness. Little Rusty doing a fine job too.
Talk about 10 pounds in an 8 pound bag, that's impressive and you've given me some hope. I've got a 12# brisket but it's 22" long and a 18" WSM. Maybe I can get it to fit. If you were able to get that 18lb monster on to your 18 there is hope for my 12lb one.

Rich, I dont think I have ever had a brisket to really fit on the 18". In the trimming process I take out MOST of the fat between the flat and cap. When i put it on the grill, i will fold the point to almost a 45* angle. Its always worked for me.

Thanks guys. Looking back I guess I should have been a little more nervous than I was about getting all that meat in the WSM. I figured, if I can fit an 18lb brisket a couple months ago on one grate, there is NO reason why I cant fit 2 8# butts on the bottom grate. Made sure to give myself a couple hours of cushion and LET HER SMOKE.... I did go through probably 15 lbs of KBB which is a little more than usual, but i cant complain. But I do have to admit i had to do alot more "adjusting" on intakes to keep my heat up. I had the door on the front of the smoker cocked to the side for most of the cook, and had it OFF a couple of times to get enough oxygen in that bad boy. The little "issues" is what makes it an art i guess..

anyway, thanks for looking

Rich, I dont think I have ever had a brisket to really fit on the 18". In the trimming process I take out MOST of the fat between the flat and cap. When i put it on the grill, i will fold the point to almost a 45* angle. Its always worked for me.


Thanks for the information Rusty.
Rusty, you did a fantastic job on all that meat. Those pics sure look good to me. You little helper was doing a great job also.;)
I'm impressed :coolkettle:

I saw a post some time ago of a big turkey on a 14" wsm and now this......
It looks like those WSM's can pack a boatload of meat!

