Last Restore Ever 1996 Red Head Genesis


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
Okay guys listen up. Those of you who are trying to find an early genesis gasser to restore some of you are saying when you find one “it’s over an hour away” or “its 45 miles to where it’s at, way too far to go get it”

Well Barb and I sucked it up and made a two day one night 500 mile, yes 500 mile round trip to get a Red head 1996 genesis 1000 that needs a boat load of work to get it back to decent condition.

That my forum friends is Weber dedication or sheer stupidity depending on how you look at it.

The plan was to go see forum member LarryR in Las Vegas to get the grill and spend a couple of nights there on the strip, well we heard on the news as we were leaving Larry’s house in Las Vegas that there was a mandatory evacuation of the town next to ours because of a 25,000 acre fire. So the plans changed.
We got home pretty quick and fortunately everything was okay with our home.

This puppy was in a world of hurts and I wasn’t sure we could get a pulse back on it. But thanks to my wonderful wife Barb who stayed right with me through which turned out to be three days of cleaning in the garage with it being over 105 all three days.
Barb took command of the top while I took on the firebox. She did a fantastic job of cleaning the inside and outside redid the side panels, it really looks great.
I used my angle grinder with a 4 inch wire brush and it took me about 4 hours to get the inside clean. That hot Nevada sun turned everything into the hardness of concreate.

Next I took care of the frame and Barb went after the CI grates. The frame was pretty easy, but Barb worked on the grates for hours before we thought they were okay.

Next I repaired the stuck valves on the manifold did a leak test and everything was fine. The burners were solid but completely plugged up, Barb took those on and with my air compressor and a lot of scrubbing got them unplugged. Did a fire test and everything worked fine and looked good.

Still need to get a swing up table and new ignitor and the drip tray holder and if I can find a Durawood flip up table I’ll try and find a matching Durawood shelf for it.











Thanks for stopping by
You two are absolutely, positively a terrific team!!
Talk about bringing it back from its deathbed!

Thanks Bob, no way I could have done this without Barbs help. Barb used chisels to clean out the lid and the grates that's how hard the grunge was. As a matter of fact we were so filthy after the first day we went into the house at bout three and immediately had to take a shower without touching anything. I've done about six of these and this was by far the hardest one to clean up.
These projects are only fun when they are over! I remember bringing mine back to health, though it wasn't quite as far gone as yours (Larry, what did you do to that poor grill.....or did you inherit it??) :) Does this look familiar?


Nice job Rich & Barb!!

Rich is truly the master! Great job! I love the "Weber dedication or sheer stupidity" part!
Rich is truly the master! Great job! I love the "Weber dedication or sheer stupidity" part!

Yea I'm voting on stupidity, 110 in Vegas and 105+ here. Nothing against Larry he sent me pictures before we went so I knew what I was up against. Just had to save the red head. No regrets.
Way to go Rich & Barb, and welcome to the Redhead Owners Club. Let me check my parts bin, I believe I might have a Durawood side table.
Way to go Rich & Barb, and welcome to the Redhead Owners Club. Let me check my parts bin, I believe I might have a Durawood side table.

Thanks Pat, always wanted a Redhead. I really don't need another gasser or any grill, got nine now but I finally got my Redhead. That would be great if you did have a Durawood side table.
Thanks Pat, always wanted a Redhead. I really don't need another gasser or any grill, got nine now but I finally got my Redhead. That would be great if you did have a Durawood side table.

Rich, I sent you a PM with some pictures.
I have a 1993 Genesis 1000 sitting in my garage waiting for me to dive in. It looks basically identical to yours to include the missing swing table. But, I just found a donor grill that I will pick up tomorrow that has durawood and the swing table. I thought about switching all of the durawood over, but instead, I will be replacing everything on my grill with Cedar and putting a nice finish on it. I hope to get to it pretty soon and hope it comes out as nice as yours. Right now, it is in similar condition to how yours was. All 13 flavorizer bars are toast, as well as the cooking grates. Since this is going to be my personal baby, I may go with Stainless.






I plan to do start my own build thread like yours once I get going on it. At least I only had to drive 50 miles for the grill.
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I'm starting to think I'm dumber than a beach ball. On this restore I needed to get the swing up table, new Durawood for the shelf and flip up shelf's if I didn't want to do stained cedar. The drip tray holder, new FBs, new ignitor, possibly a manifold and a few other odds and ends.
Well a Platinum 1200 popped up on CLs with every thing I needed. The guy had just done a refurb on it last year when the wind blew it over and broke of the tabs that hold the lid to the fire box. He used door hinges to reattach the lid and that wasn't working out so well so he bought a new grill and put this one on CL for $30.
Like an idiot I jumped on it and drove a 200 mile round trip to Phoenix in a 115 degree heat yesterday to get it. The FBs, burners, CI grates, ignitor are all less than a year old. D
Don't know what he was thinking as the frame was so rusty it fell apart when we put it in the car.
At least I got 90% of what I need for $30 and a little gas and a lot of sweat.


