I will just leave this here

Well I'm probably known on this forum as a weber supporter. From my perspective I have too many friends and family with newer weber genesis and spirit grills that absolutely love them and say they are FAR superior to the cheaper big box junk.

But that doesn't mean I think weber is perfect. The summit grills are pathetic in regards to durability and it's borderline criminal that they haven't addressed that known issue and also that they haven't backed their warranty in all instances.

So my admiration for the company is still there because I still think they are the best option in grills (genesis ) but like just about any big company they have flaws. Very serious flaws.
I think I fall pretty close to your position. Like many here, I am a fan of the classic Genesis (all the way up to the 2005-6 Genesis Platinum). I didn’t like the cheap painted metal closed in cabinets that came with the Genesis 300 series. But otherwise it had some good points, especially the earlier “sidewinder” version, but even there while I don’t like the switch to front burners I would go out on a limb and say that I personally found the 4th “sear burner” on my SE 330 to be a useful addition. I applaud the return of the open cart option in the new Genesis II line. While some others seem to feel differently, I think they are still very nice grills, certainly still above their big box store competitors.

The problems with the current generation Summit :p and the overall problem with most Summit fireboxes is legendary on this site. For the price of a drivable used car, I think a buyer should expect a lot more than painted steel cabinets and porcelain plated firebox fronts. Add to that cases of failure to provide warranty support and it is no wonder some here get pretty hot about these grills.

Even though I think Weber’s offshore production generally makes better grills than, say Charbroil, that doesn’t mean I appreciate their largely abandoning US production. These are hard times to truly manufacture consumer products here in the US, but I bet if George :george: was still around Weber would find a way. I previously worked for a company that sold out to private equity :p:p, so I am not surprised by what they have done to an originally family-owned company.

Long rambling...Weber isn’t all they used to be, I agree. But to equating their Genesis grills with the typical NexCharWhatever grills for sale next to them I don’t agree. In fact, I keep hoping for a steal on a cosmeticly impaired Genesis II just to have a chance to try one and give it an honest thorough review. I guess I missed a 3-burner for $200, but I am always watching:eek:!
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I think you miss my point entirely. Not equating them with the NexChar what have you simply saying you can buy those for 1/4 the price, and if you've ever read Consumer Reports you'll see when new and prior to "breakdown" they all perform within reason and these days fairly equitably I have to say even that my friend's CharBroil actually surprised me with how well it worked and even so far how well it's holding up for him now over the last few years. And at the price of those grills I'll give them to be a toss away but not feel so badly about tossing one of those as opposed to an $1800 Weber which as we know lately seem to crumble away pretty darn quickly. So just sayin you can throw away an $1800 grill or a $400 one which one makes you feel more badly than the other? Heck even on one of their tests a few years ago my friend (who lives and dies by CR) wanted to buy a new grill as her Weber that her late husband had gotten was in need of a thorough service. She turned to see what CR had to say. They noted that while the Weber she was looking at might last a couple more years before rust sets in the model she bought cooked just as well, and in some cases performed BETTER than the Weber (she was looking at Genesis and Spirits at the time) grills overall but they just won't hold up as long but at the price point the off branded one was it WAS the BETTER buy because she could buy 3 of them for that $$$$ and they even gave some tips to help the off brand hold up nearly as well as the Weber. Guess what she bought? Especially since as she noted BOTH came from China
Now don't get me wrong I am STILL a Weber fanboy but NOT the new stuff or the Summits (the Summits for obvious reasons). The old classic TRUE Weber is still my overall fav and will continue to be. But it's time we as fanboys start to realize they've gone downhill while the others are doing a MUCH better job than they were just a few short years ago. I have seen the same thing in tools. As a former professional wrench, I lived and died by SnapOn, Matco, Cornwell and so on. But guess what? I am seeing tools coming from China/Taiwan that are every bit as well made and strong as the tools I used to buy off the trucks. And at 1/8th the price too!
Even one of my old standby products "Craftsmen" known to us mechanics as a poor man's SnapOn is now all made in China. But I have looked at what they're selling and guess what........................it's every bit as well made as the old Crapsmen. I still don't buy them any more though but only because Sears will cease to be in existence soon and I don't wanna be stuck with products with no parent company
Nicely stated Jon, I agree with what you said, I can't bad mouth the product because I have no hands on experience with the new Webers. I also see them as a better product than the big box stores grills. Its just too bad that the quality may or may not be there, for what they are asking you would expect the quality would be assured but past performance says otherwise.
Jon I'm disappointed that weber moved all or most of their production overseas too. At least on the upper/genesis lines. I would have rather they had raised the price and been able to say "100% American made". You would think that selling point might offset the higher production costs?

But I'm sure they have bean counters that vetted all that out and came to the conclusion that most Americans don't care if a product is American made it not. Which is kind of sad.

I'm not someone that thinks all products made overseas (even China) are bad or inferior. But I do try to buy American when possible just because I think it's a good practice to at least try to keep the production of some products (and jobs) here in the US.

And unfortunately at this point in new grills I don't think there is a good alternative to a Weber genesis that is American made. At least not one that comes close in performance, looks and build quality. The only possibility I can think of is broilmaster. And that's a tough sell. It's extremely high quality undoubtedly surpassing a modern weber but it's much smaller and pretty humble in appearance. My brother bought a new genesis last year. I tried to get him to look at broilmaster but he wouldn't consider it. And if I was forced to buy a new grill I'm pretty sure I would end up with a weber too.
Name me ONE company that is as customer support oriented as it was twenty years ago!
It’s just the way the world seems to,want to work anymore. We, as end users, don’t have much to hope for, the almighty profit will dictate how and who will be the “good guy” will be in the supply chain. Rarely is it the manufacturer anymore, sometimes you get lucky and have a retailer or another “middleman” who still has a sense of responsibility for the product he sells but, they are becoming rare as hens teeth.
When you get lucky and find the right person with enough guts to maybe go out on a limb and really HELP it’s pretty nice. I’ve had both experiences from the Weber support line. Some have been really great, others, either need more coffee or a class in how not be be a jerk.
End rant
Enough ranting... lol
Now I got me a Genesis Platinum as well. Will convert that one into an open cart model. And no i did not pay the $125.

And while shopping I took that one too.
Looks rough but is solid with minimal rust. Solid z-brackets. The inside however is trash. But the almost full tank was included.

Amazing how many grills fit in a minivan. 😂
BOth look like worthy prospects for rehabbing. I think the second one is actually a Genesis 1000 missing the caster wheels.
BOth look like worthy prospects for rehabbing. I think the second one is actually a Genesis 1000 missing the caster wheels.

Yes it is a 1000. I have another one here where I am working on. So I have enough parts now to restore one at least . Maybe two.

And for the Platinum one I have a crazy idea.
Not sure if it works yet. I am thinking of changing the plastic tables to wood tables and a wood bottom shelf. Not sure yet how to do it yet with the folding tables. And then add a colored hood with wooden handles. Maroon or Blue. Basically similar to a Genesis 3000 with a stainless frame.
Just one thing bothers me it a bit. Can it be that Weber had an issue with the welds on these frame extensions to the left and right ? Even with bolts tightened hard these frame pieces bend up and down when you lift the grill. My other Silver C with the regular steel frame does not do that.
The system used by Weber on the last Silver/Gold/Platinum grills with extended carts depends entirely on bolts to hold the extension pieces. I wonder if you have some broken mounts or maybe missing or too short bolts.

Before you scrap any of your Platinum parts let me know. I am still rehabbing one myself. It is sad to see one that rusted even in Texas. If Weber had just followed through with stainless bottoms and cabinetry this would have been the perfect Genesis for tougher environments like mine. I wish I could afford to get stainless replacements made and create that grill myself.
The system used by Weber on the last Silver/Gold/Platinum grills with extended carts depends entirely on bolts to hold the extension pieces. I wonder if you have some broken mounts or maybe missing or too short bolts.

Before you scrap any of your Platinum parts let me know. I am still rehabbing one myself. It is sad to see one that rusted even in Texas. If Weber had just followed through with stainless bottoms and cabinetry this would have been the perfect Genesis for tougher environments like mine. I wish I could afford to get stainless replacements made and create that grill myself.

Jon, I don’t want to scrap it yet. Found out why the end pieces are wobbly. The welds that hold the clamps in place are broken on at least 2 pieces. Meaning the clamps are no longer attached to the frame pieces. Has anyone seen that before? Not sure yet what the best fix would be. I was thinking of drilling holes through them and then just run a stainless steel bolt.
Having them rewelded might be the "best" solution, but putting in some SS bolts would be a close, cost effective second. Just make sure you do something to prevent rust in the areas regardless of which route you take. Either solution will expose bare/plain carbon steel to moisture and eventual/premature rust.
Yes it is a 1000. I have another one here where I am working on. So I have enough parts now to restore one at least . Maybe two.

And for the Platinum one I have a crazy idea.
Not sure if it works yet. I am thinking of changing the plastic tables to wood tables and a wood bottom shelf. Not sure yet how to do it yet with the folding tables. And then add a colored hood with wooden handles. Maroon or Blue. Basically similar to a Genesis 3000 with a stainless frame.
Just one thing bothers me it a bit. Can it be that Weber had an issue with the welds on these frame extensions to the left and right ? Even with bolts tightened hard these frame pieces bend up and down when you lift the grill. My other Silver C with the regular steel frame does not do that.

Nothing wrong with crazy ideas I have many, do I think you could do wood yes I have a sliver c frame so on the left side its those frame bolts on the extension that are a problem. It appears from looking at the 1000 frame and the silver the hole for the rod to slide into the frame is the same distance top to bottom.

So if you have the plastic drop down piece on the end of the frame in your parts bin for the drop down table I think you can do it. Probably need to grind or hacksaw the mounting bracket for the plastic tables off then you would need to on the z bars put a notch in it as the bolt that hold the extension piece won't let you just drop the z bars in. Obviously you would need to notch the wood slat so it drops in also. I'm thinking you could remove that bolt on both sides and get maybe a panhandle bolt to replace it won't stick out so far.
Jon, I don’t want to scrap it yet. Found out why the end pieces are wobbly. The welds that hold the clamps in place are broken on at least 2 pieces. Meaning the clamps are no longer attached to the frame pieces. Has anyone seen that before? Not sure yet what the best fix would be. I was thinking of drilling holes through them and then just run a stainless steel bolt.

Yes, that does happen and was what I was referring to when I said broken mounts. Short of getting it welded back together, I would say your idea is the best.i have heard of people using JN Weld but have no experience and a lot of skepticism. Maybe someone who does can weigh in.

P.s. Sorry, I didn’t mean to come across like a scavenger. When you said you were doing an open cart and going to go with wood slats instead of the gray plastic/stainless ones I just didn’t want to see the old parts tossed since I, too, am working on a Platinum. I am leaning towards a modified closed cart for mine and keeping the original exterior “look.”

Stefan, a little confused what your talking about post a picture so we can see.

Jon the JB weld works fine for a lot of applications which would be metal to metal also sand down the crossbar against the fire box or getting rid of rust there so now it is not smooth it will fill that sand it down. It would not if like the 1000 frames where they just welded in a tab on one side for the frame expect it to hold a piece of metal to fix that probably not describing it correctly but only a weld could fix that.

