I’ve Met my Match and it’s a Mouse


Rich Dahl

R.I.P. 7/21/2024
This fury SOB mouse has got my number! So far he has destroyed two peaches, three bananas, two apples and ate a hole in a new loaf of French bread that was still in the plastic bag.

He is living under our stove in the kitchen. I can’t use poison because of the two dogs. I also don’t want the sucker to die under the stove and stink up the house and the other reason is the stove is a real PITA to get out where it’s at.

So my solution was to use a couple of good old fashioned mouse traps.

Seeing he liked the bread so much I used that as the bait on the mouse trap. The next morning I got up and the bread on both traps was gone and the traps were not tripped. Okay, well let’s try some cheese, made sure it was wedged into the trip pad. Next morning, you got it cheese gone traps still armed. Tonight will be peanut butter let’s see him get that off without getting wacked.

I sure wish those dogs would quit laughing at me.

Stay tuned for the next chapter of Mouse in the House.

I think the new cat here would make short work of it! At one point when they took down a house next door, we had several decide that the food over here must be good, I tried all kinds of things finally I put the trap in the oven, next morning one ATA time (3) were dispatched quite completely!
My dad had a rat in his garage so he always had Decon pellets on the work bench. After dad passed away I was cleaning out the garage and found his rat, the biggest I had ever seen died of old age I'm sure. He was living off of the stuff that was supposed to kill him.:ROFLMAO: Dad's pet rat.
I know you know it's a mouse but the only way this could become even more comical would be if the dogs were the true culprit, lol.

Good luck!
Whitny our rescue dog who is part husky, golden retriever and coyote. She was rescued from the Navajo Indian reservation in New Mexico where she was running free. A few years ago she was laying in the kitchen and a mouse came out from under the cabinet she didn't even blink just laid there dead still the only thing moving was her eyes. That mouse walked right past her head.... fatal mistake. She nailed that mouse so fast it was amazing, it never had a chance.
She knows that sucker is under the stove because she lays really close to it, which she usually doesn't do. If that mouse ever comes out onto the floor, I won't need any more mouse traps.
Now Abby our black Lab doesn't have a clue, sweet pup but not much of a hunter.
I had a cat that used to catch mice and bring them in the house through the pet door, take them to the staircase and play with them. My dog, a half Springer, half Brittany mix and the best hunting dog I ever had, would tire quickly of the cat torturing the mouse. He would grab the mouse on the stairs, violently shake his head once and snap their necks or spines and spit them out. He must have dispatched 6 or more that way amazing fast. After he spit them out, of course, the cat was no longer interested. He dispatched wounded pheasants and other game birds the same way.
Whitny our rescue dog who is part husky, golden retriever and coyote. She was rescued from the Navajo Indian reservation in New Mexico where she was running free. A few years ago she was laying in the kitchen and a mouse came out from under the cabinet she didn't even blink just laid there dead still the only thing moving was her eyes. That mouse walked right past her head.... fatal mistake. She nailed that mouse so fast it was amazing, it never had a chance.
She knows that sucker is under the stove because she lays really close to it, which she usually doesn't do. If that mouse ever comes out onto the floor, I won't need any more mouse traps.
Now Abby our black Lab doesn't have a clue, sweet pup but not much of a hunter.
Now, let Whitney kill it and throw it, will the lab do what they are bred to do? Mine probably would have (her name was Abby too!)
Now, let Whitney kill it and throw it, will the lab do what they are bred to do? Mine probably would have (her name was Abby too!)
You bet! Abbys favorite thing to do is play fetch and retrieve. She also likes to bring us presents from the fields when we off leash her. We've had everything from baby rabbits to dead mice brought to us. As soon as she drops it at our feet, she's off to find something else. She is also the only dog we have ever had that looks up into the trees for birds.
As far as Whitney goes, I have to get anything she catches espically lizards out of her mouth, or she will eat it. Goes back to her survival days on the Indian reservation.
Have you seen those bucket traps?
They seem to work great.

I have a creek on my California property and I live in a forest up north so we always have rodents
I’m afraid to use the standard mouse or rat trap because with my luck I will end up with a broken foot on a dog.
That said, I have set those kind of traps when we are gone for a spell.
I don’t like to use poisons either but I have when we take all the pets away for a week or two.
Thanks for all the tips everyone. Spent last night in the ER so everything was status que for last night.
Going to try the peanut butter tonight. If that doesn't work, I'll sit up in my recliner through the night with my 12 Ga, one way or another I'm going to get that sucker.
Even Whitney is getting PO waiting for him to pop out on the floor.

