Rich Dahl
R.I.P. 7/21/2024
This fury SOB mouse has got my number! So far he has destroyed two peaches, three bananas, two apples and ate a hole in a new loaf of French bread that was still in the plastic bag.
He is living under our stove in the kitchen. I can’t use poison because of the two dogs. I also don’t want the sucker to die under the stove and stink up the house and the other reason is the stove is a real PITA to get out where it’s at.
So my solution was to use a couple of good old fashioned mouse traps.
Seeing he liked the bread so much I used that as the bait on the mouse trap. The next morning I got up and the bread on both traps was gone and the traps were not tripped. Okay, well let’s try some cheese, made sure it was wedged into the trip pad. Next morning, you got it cheese gone traps still armed. Tonight will be peanut butter let’s see him get that off without getting wacked.
I sure wish those dogs would quit laughing at me.
Stay tuned for the next chapter of Mouse in the House.

He is living under our stove in the kitchen. I can’t use poison because of the two dogs. I also don’t want the sucker to die under the stove and stink up the house and the other reason is the stove is a real PITA to get out where it’s at.
So my solution was to use a couple of good old fashioned mouse traps.
Seeing he liked the bread so much I used that as the bait on the mouse trap. The next morning I got up and the bread on both traps was gone and the traps were not tripped. Okay, well let’s try some cheese, made sure it was wedged into the trip pad. Next morning, you got it cheese gone traps still armed. Tonight will be peanut butter let’s see him get that off without getting wacked.
I sure wish those dogs would quit laughing at me.
Stay tuned for the next chapter of Mouse in the House.