Elk burgers



TVWBB Emerald Member
My 75 year old neighbor went bow hunting for Elk in Arizona and was nice enough to give me some grind. My spin on a few burgers.








Dinner is ready.


Have a great day all.
That looks fantastic. A plate of goodness for sure. A neighbor game me a pound of elk burger a while back and I'll have to dig it out of the freezer. Nice cook Jeff.
Elk is some real good meat i have had a teak but never a burger as of yet, yours looks very good and full of great fixins.

Well done Jeff.

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Elk is some real good meat i have had a steak but never a burger as of yet, yours looks very good and full of great fixins.

Well done Jeff.
Thanks all, this was my first time cooking and eating Elk.

Jeff, fill us in on how it tastes and do you need to prepare it differently? TIA

Neighbor said don't over cook it, my culinary friend also said don't over cook it.

Since Elk is lean you don't want to go any higher than 130°-140° internal temp as it dries out quickly.
Perfect example for the use of the Thermapen, when the Elk burgers got to 135° i pulled them.
The taste. It had a very rich savory flavor that i liked, not gamey like i thought it might be.

Hope that answered your question Bob.

Elk meat spaghetti sauce will be my next creation, since the neighbor has 125 Lbs of Elk in his freezer now, just gotta get him to cough some up.

Till next time.
Wow, great looking meal, love to see so many pieces all grilled to make the meal. Nice !!

Thanks Brian, It was a fun cook.

Wow Jeff - that is an elk sized burger! Great job on a fine meal...

Thanks John, After i showed my 75 year old neighbor and his wife pictures of my elk burger cook, i had too duplicate my cook at their place the next weekend for 6 of their friends.
I got lucky, and it came off without a hitch as his beautiful wife was my attentive sous chef.
Jeff, that is one fantastic plate of food. It all looks so delicious I'd take a plate for sure.

