TVWBB Olympian
This thing is so out of hand. My portfolio is crashing down around me and right when I am nearing 70 and won't have anything now to fall back onI am so teed off at this whole circus.
I'm about to call a bottom - this seems way overdone. I'm freaked out & PO'd. I don't like watching this.
I'm guessing the supply chain problem is real. I'm hoping to flatten out & turn up, but the major uptrend will probably start Q3 2020 - Q1 2021. Not sure the control you have over your investments, but there are some companies I expect will have surprise upsides that are oversold right now. I'd be in buying more but I'm not always right & I've lost more than I'd like to admit. Part of me says hide out & plan for mass deaths & bankruptcies (1% mortality rate seems to be the norm, which is down from 3.6% I was hearing), and another part says the market is way oversold. Part of me fears bankruptcies and collapse of society, and the other says it's a minor correction. Almost every stock chart looks the same right now-----normal-normal-normal-----then start dumping late Feb - early March. Part of me has been wondering about a housing bubble too.
I feel like making big moves but I really have no idea if there's an actual collapse coming (please no).....I don't trust my vision rt now.
Went to Walmart to pick up a prescription and a few items in the grocery department. Our Walmart isn't known for being well stocked but what I saw was a little unnerving, there were a lot of aisles that were completely bare mostly the aisles with can goods and non perishables. Most of the others were in the 50% range.
I don't know if it's a hording thing or their just not getting delivers. But it's obvious the COVID19 is causing some kind of reaction.
Barb and I are all set, two freezers full to the gills and we just restocked our large garage pantry with can goods and such, so we will be fine for weeks if this drags on.
My friend said it's a supply chain issue - China was shut down for a while, boats unable to load/unload at ports. He called for the interruption at Ford (alternators).

Greenhouse gas emissions in China have fallen due to coronavirus
The satellites of the European Copernicus agency have registered an unusual drop in nitrogen dioxide levels, due to the COVID-19 outbreak.