Coronavirus - Covid 19

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This thing is so out of hand. My portfolio is crashing down around me and right when I am nearing 70 and won't have anything now to fall back on :cautious: I am so teed off at this whole circus.

I'm about to call a bottom - this seems way overdone. I'm freaked out & PO'd. I don't like watching this.

I'm guessing the supply chain problem is real. I'm hoping to flatten out & turn up, but the major uptrend will probably start Q3 2020 - Q1 2021. Not sure the control you have over your investments, but there are some companies I expect will have surprise upsides that are oversold right now. I'd be in buying more but I'm not always right & I've lost more than I'd like to admit. Part of me says hide out & plan for mass deaths & bankruptcies (1% mortality rate seems to be the norm, which is down from 3.6% I was hearing), and another part says the market is way oversold. Part of me fears bankruptcies and collapse of society, and the other says it's a minor correction. Almost every stock chart looks the same right now-----normal-normal-normal-----then start dumping late Feb - early March. Part of me has been wondering about a housing bubble too.

I feel like making big moves but I really have no idea if there's an actual collapse coming (please no).....I don't trust my vision rt now.

Went to Walmart to pick up a prescription and a few items in the grocery department. Our Walmart isn't known for being well stocked but what I saw was a little unnerving, there were a lot of aisles that were completely bare mostly the aisles with can goods and non perishables. Most of the others were in the 50% range.
I don't know if it's a hording thing or their just not getting delivers. But it's obvious the COVID19 is causing some kind of reaction.
Barb and I are all set, two freezers full to the gills and we just restocked our large garage pantry with can goods and such, so we will be fine for weeks if this drags on.

My friend said it's a supply chain issue - China was shut down for a while, boats unable to load/unload at ports. He called for the interruption at Ford (alternators).


I've got to go around on service calls and I happen to have a slight cough so I'm trying hard not to cough in front of customers. People are getting a little weird. I'm in a smaller city so who knows if we have cases. My wife is a nurse in the main hospital. She hasn't seen anything yet. I'm mainly worried about the hospital getting swamped with people.

My allergies are going nuts right now, I'm gonna have to stay away from public places, except to buy beer
From what I'm starting to hear Disney reviewed the Governor's guide lines
Disney just temporarily closed it's parks.
between that and sports.
Alot of people are out of jobs now..

From what I'm starting to hear Disney reviewed the Governor's guide lines and didn't have a lot of choice. The economy is headed for a hurting because of this mess. I'm hearing NY has done basically the same thing as CA. This is nuts.

yeah , as if Taiwan is huge sample
I've got to go around on service calls and I happen to have a slight cough so I'm trying hard not to cough in front of customers. People are getting a little weird. I'm in a smaller city so who knows if we have cases. My wife is a nurse in the main hospital. She hasn't seen anything yet. I'm mainly worried about the hospital getting swamped with people.

Get a mask or wear a bandana if you're coughing. I had to visit 3 customers yesterday, stopped at restaurant depot, & got gas---my behavior's being modified too. People call in for a service call and I'm emailing labels so they can send their stuff in for repair.

Not sure if you saw this interactive map, but you can check your area. Chances are you're fine, but we're a little panicked or overcautious. If I'm going to get it then why worry? I can just avoid the elderly. The link above re: Taiwan makes it look like it's not so bad, but then I'm seeing local business shut down so ?

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I shop at CVS for strikin' paper and paper towels (great extra bucks deals :)), and I usually have about a three to four month supply on hand at most times. Had to call around this week though, because most locations were out of strikin' paper.

Truthfully, it looks like the best our country can do now is slow down the spread of the virus until a vaccine can be developed or herd immunity sets in.
I live in the epicenter of the outbreak, in Seattle (I'm in North Seattle) and aside from seeing more people walking their dogs in the afternoon because they are work from home everything else in my neck of the woods is normal. No people roaming the streets in hazmat suits sounding off alarms when anyone coughs or sneezes.

My local Fred Meyer was well stocked aside from the toilet paper aisle which was pretty much picked over (strangest panic buy ever) and there has been no look of panic in anyone's eyes when I have been shopping. And this week Fred Meyer has brisket on sale for 2.99/lb which is unheard of here, never seen it below 6.99/lb. I forget who it was who posted earlier about beef prices dropping because of covid-19, but it is a real thing here, at least for brisket! I will be heading to Fred Meyer Friday and hopefully coming home with a nice flat of it to put in the freezer, and I might finally be able to smoke my first brisket for Smoke Day 2020!

And some good news, a research team in Toronto, Canada has isolated the corona virus. That is very, very good!

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This thing is so out of hand. My portfolio is crashing down around me and right when I am nearing 70 and won't have anything now to fall back on :cautious: I am so teed off at this whole circus.

I guess you have not been following the situation in Italy and Iran. The big danger is overwhelming the medical system such that we don’t have enough beds to take care of people that need it and not enough medical workers because they are sick, overworked and tired. There are hospitals in Italy that are doing wartime triage because they are full.

Are you suggesting that everyone just carry on their normal activities like this virus is just another cold virus?

I read that this virus can live on surfaces for up to three days.
Covid-19 behaves rather differently than H1N1. It takes longer to manifest symptoms, and remains transmissable long, IIRC. Combine those with a very mobile population, and it's not necessarily pleasant.

Just for the record: Donating blood does *NOT* result in a free Covid-19 test, regardless of what people are claiming. There's no evidence that it transmits via blood, and the FDA has not approved, even on an emergency basis, a test (pooled or otherwise,) for blood donations.
Just heard a short time ago, the guv of our state just closed all schools. Looks like it's just me and the little guy for the next few weeks. Ugh
And in our case my daughter is lucky her old man is retired. Just what are other parents supposed to do? Daycares are closed, schools are closed. How are working parents supposed to cope with all this foolishness?
My kids had their school shut down all this week. I'm beginning to hear they are going to extend that for another three weeks. But waiting for that to be confirmed. I've never seen anything like this in this country.
My kids had their school shut down all this week. I'm beginning to hear they are going to extend that for another three weeks. But waiting for that to be confirmed. I've never seen anything like this in this country.

What we're seeing is what the media shows us. Is it possible that media coverage in 2009 was slanted differently than it is today? Both were/are pandemics. 2009 was just as bad or worse. Probably worse. This is from Wikipedia.

On February 12, 2010, the CDC released updated estimate figures for swine flu, reporting that, in total, 57 million Americans had been sickened, 257,000 had been hospitalized and 11,690 people had died (including 1,180 children) due to swine flu from April through to mid-January.

All we can do is use common sense and avoid contracting it if we can.
Rum is the answer.
Drink good quality dark Cuban, Puerto Rican, Jamaican, Caribbean types of rums... no joke, I'm telling ya, it works.
Drink and stay healthy.
What about a really nice local rum?
There is a distillery right down the street that Pammi LOVES!
I'm more of a bourbon guy. Does that help? :LOL::ROFLMAO:
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