Bruce's First Skyline Rebuild - Before & After

I think it’s good. Best part is it’s actually a functional upgrade. It’s nice being able to just pick up and swing the grill around. That being said, where can we find the square plastic endcaps?
Sean, are you talking about the stock ones that come on the Genesis 1000 grills? If so, I might have a couple I could part with.
I think it’s good. Best part is it’s actually a functional upgrade. It’s nice being able to just pick up and swing the grill around. That being said, where can we find the square plastic endcaps?

I ordered the square plugs from McMaster this past summer. Bag of 50 for $9 bucks (plus SH), versus like $5-7 each on the "parts" websites etc. Part #9565K53
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I don't think it was all that great...really. There are flaws. The lid has some of that hazing or oxidation. The pictures don't really show it. But since it was a skyline, I wasn't about to toss it for that. I think one of the best parts is the black knobs and handles. It really does add a lot in aesthetics as well as function.

Hopefully someone grew up with Dad's Skyline on the deck and will see mine and "just have to have it". LOL
TonyS. Those actually look identical to the Weber ones. But, sadly, they don't offer the ones with the drop down for the swing table pivot mount.
Id buy a beater silver B just to get a LP manifold for the NG spirt I'm going to sell in the spring and the handles for my skyline. But I haven't seen a single one that was reasonable all summer on the Phoenix and Prescott CL. All of them in the $75+ range.
Yeah just the stock square caps. I’d be surprised if HD doesn’t have them, what are they like 1”x1”?

If you need them for a lot of restores then Tony's reply above which is for 50 under 10 bucks plus shipping is the way to go. They are 4 - 1 1/4" Square Tubing Plastic Hole Plug Post Pipe End Cap 10-14 Ga 1.25" Jkim posted a link on ebay for 4 of them free ship under 7 bucks."+square+plugs&_from=R40&rt=nc&LH_TitleDesc=0

If you want 10 then these are under 9 bucks shipped.

Funny thing is when I did my Redhead restore I did not mess with removing them I just sprayed them down with the frame paint in place and the end table bracket the same which I did remove to paint. Seem to be holding up fine.

Sorry want to add they do not carry that size at HD might be wrong but did look at the site.
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TonyS. Those actually look identical to the Weber ones. But, sadly, they don't offer the ones with the drop down for the swing table pivot mount.

I know, those are brutal to find (new). Gently remove, de-grease and repaint - that's my motto! I actually had a few on order from a parts web site, then after 4 weeks they sent me an "I'm sorry we have discontinued the part" email.

BTW it's really cold out in the Midwest right now!!! Dang. Time to cover up the Webers and get the Toro's on the work bench for new paddles and belts.
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Tony: I agree. Time to put the weber inventory into storage for the winter and time to bring out the snow blower. I have to clean up and stow my grill rehabbing operation in the garage as well. I am waiting until mid next week when we are expected to get some nicer weather.
Tony: I agree. Time to put the weber inventory into storage for the winter and time to bring out the snow blower. I have to clean up and stow my grill rehabbing operation in the garage as well. I am waiting until mid next week when we are expected to get some nicer weather.

I am still hoping it will cool off a little here! Still hitting 86 and 87 in the afternoon. Hot, or not, my production line gets rolling right after I am through with October 15 deadlines:mad:!
Same here. First frost of season here this AM. Was trying to cut grass yesterday but between the wind blowing, trying to run he big tractor at top speed (about 7mph) to get done sooner, and cold temps and wind chill it drove me inside. At least I did get an oil and filter done on the little Honda tractor over to Shell Rotella T6 synthetic. Maybe I should have used the little guy (it's a bit slower at top speed than the big guy) but it cuts 6" narrower per pass so more passes at lower speed = more exposure. Hoping for better today so I can finish and maybe get daughter's car worked on for her while she's gone. Kid asks a lot of me LOL. I don't even bother to do the service on my own car any more I take it to the dealer but she wants me to do hers hmmmm..........................
We went from the mid 90s down to the low 60s in just a few days and it's staying in 60's. 30s at night which is fine with me I was tired of the heat. Got all the Weber's cleaned and bundled up for the winter except for E320 and the Performer plus the mini for bacon smoking.

