Bangers and Mash


Dustin Dorsey

TVWBB Hall of Fame
I made bangers and mash this past weekend with homemade bangers made with homemade rusk. Here's the rusk I made:

I used the grater on my food processor to turn break the rusks down.

Seasoned meat.

My recipe. This was from Chud's BBQ Cumberland sausage video.

Ground up meat.

Stuffed. I stuffed them a little looser than normal so the rusk could expand.


Cooked them up on the stove. Sorry no grill in this one.

Finished product.

What Richard said. That plated pic is epic!
A classic example of British winter comfort food Dustin. 9/10.
However, the use of rusk to make the Cumberland snorkers bumps your score up to 10/10!!

