Bacon made easy

Thanks for clarifying.

Bob, for the cinnamon bacon post you had 6:1 (sugar:cinnamon) and suggested 6TBS:1TBS may have been plenty of cinnamon. I assume that was for the one third slab (3.5 lbs)?
Had to dig up that post and it looks like that was for a third of a half slab, so roughly 1.5 lbs.
I would double that amount for a third of a whole slab.
As long as it's covered well it should be fine.
The greatest thread on the forum, my family thanks you Bob. Got the Thanksgiving breakfast in the cure


Thanks Chuck, you're too kind.

Guess the "girls" will be contributing to TG breakfast too.
A day's work for the chicken, a lifetime commitment for the pig.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Question for Bob Cure-all. ;)

Bob, I have cured a 2lb back bacon & a 2lb belly for 8 days. After rinsing well and leaving uncovered in the fridge personal matters intervened, and it has been in the fridge for 3 days, actually it might be 4 days. Is this an issue? I plan to smoke it today or tomorrow. Thanks. Tony.
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Question for Bob Cure-all. ;)

Bob, I have cured a 2lb back bacon & a 2lb belly for 8 days. After rinsing well and leaving uncovered in the fridge personal matters intervened, and it has been in the fridge for 3 days, actually it might be 4 days. Is this an issue? I plan to smoke it today or tomorrow. Thanks. Tony.
As long as it was cured properly, and I'm sure it was, then no issues on the delay.
Right now it is simply un-smoked bacon and should keep as well, or nearly so, as smoked bacon.
I'm no expert, but I've read that smoke does add to the preserving properties of meats.
Got a cured 2lb belly & a cured 2lb loin, (back), on the WSM this morning.
Sunny, blue skies, no wind. But freezing cold. Good day for a smoke.
Half an extended charcoal ring full, with 6 lit briqs, minion style. No water. Orange wood for smoke.
The cooker is locked in SOLID at 155f. Shooting for 135f-140f IT.
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Got a cured 2lb belly & a cured 2lb loin, (back), on the WSM this morning.
Sunny, blue skies, no wind. But freezing cold. Good day for a smoke.
Half an extended charcoal ring full, with 6 lit briqs, minion style. No water. Orange wood for smoke.
The cooker is locked in SOLID at 155f. Shooting for 135f-140f IT.
And you are documenting this with photos....Right?
No photos of the curing process. But will take some pics of the final product.
Don't forget that when you pull your bacon off, make sure you do a rapid cool. (put the bacon in a sealed plastic bag(s) and submerge in ice-water)
I’m back from my bacon foray. Turned out goood.

I ran the smoker at 155f for the first two hours. Both pieces were then at 125f IT. Bumped up the cook temp to 190f to get to 140f IT. After 3hours I got there. The belly was at 140f IT & the back bacon was at 135f IT. All good.

Put both pieces in a freezer bag then into an ice-bath for 30 minutes. Sliced.

The end piece of the belly I chucked under the grill for a wee sampler. Bit salty. Put another piece from the middle under the grill……….outstanding!!

Bagged up both cuts and chucked ‘em in the fridge. This bacon will not last a week. So no need for the freezer. (I’ve promised a few rashers to friends too).

140f IT.


After the ice-bath.


Belly sliced thick, & a grilled sampler for me. :)


Yum Yum!!

Looks amazing Tony - excellent bacon! I think I'll use your photo for my bacon coming out of the cure this weekend :)

I smoked my latest batch in my 26" kettle - I didn't slice it yet, but my son took a couple slices off one of the chunks and said it was very good. This was skin on bacon


Love this thread, thanks again Bob!

