ABT Chicken Sandwiches


John Solak

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
Did up some ABTs and a couple of onion buds. Ran out of bacon so I chopped up some lil smokies for the onions

Abts done

Added cheese to the onions, chicken needs about 5 more minutes

Onions with some Taco Bell Ranch dressing

Added some guacamole to a ciabatta roll, couple of ABTs and a piece a chicken and called it dinner.

Sandwich and the onions looks awesome John!!! ABT in a sandwich! What a great idea! Going to throw some ABT's in my burger next time!
ABTs on a sammich? How could I be so dumb as to not think of that idea? Actually,

John, you better apply for a patent on this brilliant sandwich ASAP, before one of the fast food corporations steals your idea.
Hellofa sandwich!

Seen lot of people doing these onions recently. How long does it take to get soft and delicious?
Wow great looking sandwich, should have stuck the whole onion inside that great looking sandwich.

