Why I am moving...


Jon Tofte

TVWBB 1-Star Olympian
I am not vain enough to think that many of you are spending much time wondering why I am moving. But, since I have been referencing it more and more, I thought I would put my story out there for anyone who might be interested.

I have lived in Florida most of the last 45 years other than a few in Chicago and 7 in Asheville, NC. I consider myself a Floridian and had no inclination to move. However, my wife's aunt Eunice (82) had married a man with Huntington's Chorea, a horrible genetic disease. Before he started showing symptoms, they had four children. Eunice cared for her husband for years until he finally succumbed to the disease in his early 50's. Although it is supposedly a 50/50 probability, ALL FOUR of her children also inherited Huntington's from him. Two, who were like sisters to my wife, Faith, have already died. The oldest, their only son is 61 and has lived unusually long because of an aggressive effort to maintain athletic fitness. Even so, he is now in the advanced stages of the disease.

Eunice had been caring for her youngest daughter Sarah (~44) who has had an earlier onset of the disease. She took Sarah to the Charlotte NC area to be close to her son and daughter-in-law so that they could help each other out. Unfortunately, Sarah started having more serious mental issues of paranoia, etc. After a long stay in the hospital, Eunice was told that Sarah could not go home but also could not stay at the hospital. That began a long search for a facility that would accept Sarah in spite of her difficult diagnosis and limited funds (disability). The only thing they could come up with was a small 22-bed facility in Cloverdale, IN (1 hour SW of Indianapolis) that exclusively serves Huntington's patients. Sarah miraculously was admitted.

The problem, then, is that Faith's Aunt Eunice - at 82 and with macular degeneration - is not able to even see her daughter, and there is no family in that area who can either. I told my wife that Eunice had given most of her adult life to caring for others and that it was about time that someone did something for her.

So, we will be moving very near Cloverdale, taking Faith's aunt in to live with us (along with Faith's father who already lives with us), with Faith and I working remotely. The area is very rural, and our life is about to be flipped upside down. I have enjoyed working for the non-profit organization that among other things manages a retirement residential and campgroud community where I live. I have given the last 7 years to trying hard to rehabilitate many dilapidated old facilities and give our unique place a future. While I will still be doing financial work remotely for our organization, it will be hard to leave...

Still, I am looking forward to a new life with new possibilities. I told my wife that I was totally good with doing this move, but that I wanted three things from this deal:
  1. A dog.
  2. A cat.
  3. And a SHOP!!!!
We are in the process of trying to close on a house with 5 acres AND a spectacular shop. If it works out, I will have #3 in spades. My wife even told me that she thought I should put a "THIS OLD GRILL" sign on the front of it🥰:

Quincy House Shop.png

If I can't organize my stuff, set up efficient racks, tools & supplies, and finally start producing in this place, I will call Bruce and have him bring his trailer to haul my grills away, too! Concrete floor, electricity and running water, too. Even skylights! Covered outside place on the left for spray painting and grinding. Dream come true. Just praying 🙏it will all come together. Expect to move in mid-June.

Oh, my wife's aunt already has a dog(#1), so I will be getting one 🐶 . I told Faith that we won't have to "get" a cat🐱. Living out in the country, I am sure one will find us soon enough(#2). I plan to name it "Weber."
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Looks like a nice setup. 20 or 30 years ago I would've moved to the country in a flash. But I don't have the energy to maintain an acreage today. Would love to have a bigger garden, however.

I'd also like to go outside on a summer night and see every star in the sky and not be blinded by city lights.

Mark Cuban says more people will move out of cities due to this pandemic. Find real social isolation. He may be right.
Looks like a nice setup. 20 or 30 years ago I would've moved to the country in a flash. But I don't have the energy to maintain an acreage today. Would love to have a bigger garden, however.

I'd also like to go outside on a summer night and see every star in the sky and not be blinded by city lights.

Mark Cuban says more people will move out of cities due to this pandemic. Find real social isolation. He may be right.

Yeah, that is a lot of mowing, although some of it is pasture that I don't intend to keep like a front lawn. I see a decent riding mower as a #4 requirement:LOL:!

Right now I live on a postage stamp lot in a cramped campground community. While it has many truly special things about it, you can almost literally "reach out and touch" your neighbor. Definitely not social distancing in its design. This new life will be VERY different. I have to admit that I see this hoped for house as a 5-7 year place. By then, the circumstances that brought the need to be in a larger house in that location will probably have changed. My wife and I will almost certainly downsize considerably at that point. I will probably have to bequeath most of whatever grill stuff I have to a younger person at that point. I will have some keepers, though, and will continue to grill until I am just not physically able!
Very nice of you and your wife to take in the family members like that. Looks like you will possibly have a nice setup for rehabbing. Hopefully you'll be able to score one of those Bruce "mother-loads" to keep you busy.
I'm sure this was a decision not taken lightly. My best to you on this huge move to support the family. Fingers crossed you can take some of your prized possessions (wink,wink,nod,nod) on the northward trek. All the best on such a big move and what that entails.

You are a good person and for that I believe things will work out well for you. you know, the whole what goes around comes around thing karma. That looks like you're well on your way to a beautiful BBQ rehab shop. Along with a lot of land that you can do so much with... Like get that riding mower, yes do that you're going to need one. Everything else aside, the only thing (at least me) we all ask is that you continue to be a presence around these parts. I always enjoy reading everything you post and I am not going out on a limb when I say I am sure I am not the only one. Heck, with this new site you can keep us informed minute-to-minute. start a thread when the moving truck shows up take a picture and post it just to keep us up-to-date. Like I said, you're going to be fine. I believe good things happen to good people and IMO you are good people. Also I know I'm not alone without opinion.
Jon, I think you and your wife are great people for doing what you do and what you have done in the past. I think you deserve that rehab station and you will come to love living in a rural area. The only downside I think you will find is having to drive an hour to get to significant shopping. You will have to keep a list and make "runs" into the city. No more driving a couple miles to harbor freight for an angle grinder or more wire wheels. Just hold off on some of those things and combine them with a trip to Indianapolis to pick up a new rehab project as most of your grills will be coming from there, much like most of mine come from Madison, WI.

I second the riding mower. But, if I were you, I wouldn't try to have a 3-4 acre yard either. Just enough to get out and enjoy the outdoors. Let the critters have the rest.

Good luck with the house and good luck with the move. I hope it all goes as planned.

That is one sweet set up for grill rehabs. I can't wait to see how many rabbit holes you wind up with after a couple years there.
Thanks for the update Jon, wish you all the best in your move.

5 Ac with a pasture, sounds like a small tractor and brush hog might work.
Jon, wishing you and family the best with the house and the move. You two are great people to be supporting the family in such a way-kudos! The shop is exactly what you need , and as Bruce said combine you're trips to Indy. With that acreage, though, you might want to consider a tractor with a reel attachment! I, too, hope you can bring your prized grills north with you.
Jon, while the reasons for your move are such that I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy, you're making a tremendous commitment and welcome to the Midwest. I think you'll like it here. Interestingly, one of my possible stops during my trip to Ohio this summer is in Cloverdale: Lou's Diner.

I am, however, stricken with a case of Shop Envy.;)

If you're not already familiar with the Breaded Pork Tenderloin sandwich, you will be soon!
Jon, you're doing the right thing, all the way around. (y)

The house that my g/f & I bought 10 years ago has a detached 20'x20' garage (okay, man cave...) in the backyard. Well after we bought, she said she pretty much figured out that this was what we were going to be buying. The prior owners had stored a 1919 Model T that had been wonderfully restored (we saw it during the first house visit,) absolutely spectactular.
Jon, while the reasons for your move are such that I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy, you're making a tremendous commitment and welcome to the Midwest. I think you'll like it here. Interestingly, one of my possible stops during my trip to Ohio this summer is in Cloverdale: Lou's Diner.

I am, however, stricken with a case of Shop Envy.;)

If you're not already familiar with the Breaded Pork Tenderloin sandwich, you will be soon!

I think we saw that little place while house hunting. So is breaded pork tenderloin a house specialty? No bbq places that I saw anywhere near there. Maybe I can sell pulled pork and brisket on Saturdays out of my driveway and earn some grill money😄!
That's one hell of a Grill Garage. I have dreams of my very own grill garage that I will one day make a reality. Until then I will gladly live vicariously through you. Well done.
Good on ya, Jon! Family is everything! Good luck with the move, hope things work out with the place you have your eye on!

You're going to be busy, but don't be a stranger!

I think we saw that little place while house hunting. So is breaded pork tenderloin a house specialty? No bbq places that I saw anywhere near there. Maybe I can sell pulled pork and brisket on Saturdays out of my driveway and earn some grill money😄!
Actually, the BPT is more of a state specialty; it's hugely popular in Indiana (southeastern IN is also excellent fried chicken country) and Iowa, and I've also seen it well-represented along I-80 and US-6 in Illinois.

I think you're right about barbecue in that part of the state; I don't recall ever eating it there. So there might be an opportunity for you after all!

