What's the price of gas where you live?

5.69 today at Smiths, filled both trucks to the tune of $280. One was 10 cents off, or I’m looking at 3 bills
Costco regular gasoline costs $5.87 in California near Disneyland today. According to what I read a few years ago, each Costco store determines the lowest fuel price among the five nearest competing gas stations, and then they match or beat that price.
Here in the north bay it’s up to 6.75 for regular. I only drive when I have to. Its good to be retired and no longer have commute costs.
I was on a trip to N East AZ about 590 miles we were trying make it a full round trip on 1 tank of gas in my RAM 3500 6.7 turbo. But ran shirt so topped of a Williams AZ at 6.29 so it took 2 times to fill it as the pump shuts off at 100.00 and even 2 tries left me a bit short of full.
Topped off yesterday just to beat the next increase. Here in Payson AZ it was $4.79 yesterday (6/18) at Maverick - the Speedway stations were the same price.
Holding at $4.99 reg. like Larry said you would think with gas being so high you would see less traffic. That's sure not the case here.

