TVWBB Olympian
Might want to re-check that: (page 68 on the below PDF file)
Using 10LBS rates start at $8.54 to a high of $10.53 and to get to $10.53, you have to go several zone to do so
I had to look up "skullduggery" it's not my intention of accusing them of "underhanded or unscrupulous behavior; trickery" my complaint is how something goes from $40 to $54 However, in the spirit...I'll just say they can do better on shipping (based on the UPS chart above, which can be beat if you're a company and sign a agreement with UPS) Where I work I can send a 10LBS package 3 zones for < $5
my UPS rates have really gone up! 10 years ago they were ~<$4 across town, now it's pretty much $6.83 minimum (across town the state).... across the US is ~$9-$11.x
Add in 'Residential', that can add $2-$3.00 sometimes.
I know what you can do - tell them you refuse to pay their ridiculous shipping fee but you'll meet them in the middle and you'll pay $49 + $6!
Or maybe you could even email them a shipping label.